Getting tier feels really bad this patch

Something about how tier is locked and catalyst doesn’t open until June 13th just makes getting gear so terrible. Some people are 4 set, some haven’t even seen tier drop for their class. Not to mention raids are almost all priest/pal/shaman. Why are we waiting so long for catalyst? 5 weeks of this feels unnecessarily long.


4piece gamer!

4piece ftw.

1 piece from mark of mastery token and i used every one of them on the heroic tier tint for mog instead of the conquest piece for pvp :sunglasses:

Oh I thought this was a thread about how bad the 4 piece was for some classes…

I’ll go.

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Try marksmanship, then you can just ignore tier. And that’s the way it should be because raid-based tier sets should not exist in a game where pvp and M+ are more popular than raiding.

M+ and pvp should each drop their own tier.

with 8 dungeons in M+, it’d be a fine 8-set tier. one ‘tier level’ per M+ level… it could be great.

instead of hating what others have, make yours better.

we had tier in dungeons in Vanilla and TBC. no reason we can’t now.

I’ve given up just trying to get reputation anymore! I’ve settled on Darkmoon Faire Crafting leveling and Pathfinder achievements. What a very sad day!