Getting The zanchuli council quest

Does anyone know how to get this quest now? Im in BFA content and Yazma is nowhere to be found in the great seal room. And since I cannot find her, it won’t let me carry on with that chain.

Oh Edit I did found her she is on top of the pyramid next to king rakastan but she has no quests for whatever reason. Yazma is her name.
And I can’t seem to find any info on that, so I feel like it must be bugged. If anyone knows send me a comment on here. Thanks.

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Is this the quest that starts the mission table in BFA for horde? I had one of those campaign exclamation points for the longest time in the middle of the horde main city with the NPC offering nothing. I needed to do the ship warfront quest first to finally unlock that quest.

(Sorry if vague can’t remember off top of my head. I did this quest chain about two months ago on a troll warrior I’ve since deleted.)

If you look at the link, this is exactly how my map looked, and for the longest time no npc was at the exclamation point.

The first comment on wowhead says you have to chose a zone from the scouting map to activate the npc.

Yah I basically activated the zone quest for zul dazar from the map table in daza alor. I still cannot get the quest from yazma, the npc right next to rastakhan, top floor. It simply is not there.

The warfront quest though? I am curious what that means. I am going to research I guess and find out.

Never had any characters I ran through BFA in previous eras have this problem either, I have always had access to that quest after accepting the zone quest from the scouting map.

But I dunno. Seems like something is preventing me from grabbing it. I am just not sure what.

I do have that one quest where you have to recruit more allies or whatever. But I have never had to do that quest for any of my other toons in order to access the Zanchuli council quest to appear. Maybe it changed. It’s called The call for allies.

I even went to the map table and selected the other two quests for voldun and nazmir and still nothin.

As well as submitting a bug report and contacting a GM. Kind of strange no one has encountered this except for me lol.

And I cant find wardruid loti anywhere either. I am wondering if I can at least skip the bread crumb quest.

No its definitely not just you, but I ran it on my first horde toon, so don’t know how it was before. Basically it was a long campaign chain quest, but I think recruiting your allies is the next step.

Reddit is usually helpful for these things. Good luck!

Yah I dont even know anymore. It just makes no sense why recruiting allies will work. But I can try.

And thank you. To you as well. Have a good night.