Getting stuck at low MMR

So I’ve noticed as I play arms in arenas that I’m just getting stuck around 1400-1500. I’m not really sure how I’m getting stuck. I know my rotation, I know all of the other classes’ moves. i know how to burst and cc the lockdown for the kill. I’ve healed at almost 1800 rating.

Arms has like 4 buttons. What’s stopping me from getting gladiator???

honestly, arms is just not in a good spot right now… you’re better off rerolling

there are 9 warriors in both US and EU combined above 2900 cr
to put that into perspective, there 614 billionaires in the united states alone

let that sink in, you’ll have more chance becoming a billionaire than succeeding at arms, arms needs a lot of help



ohhhh come on. It can’t be so bad that it’s forcing me to be stuck at this low of an MMR.

no I’m joking, arms is more than fine

give us a bit more to go on… what comps are you playing, why do you have so little vers, how does a typical game play out for you, why do you have so little vers, what classes do you struggle with most, why do you have so little vers, etc?

dont mean this in a bashing way but your gear is pretty terrible, im sure there are lots of things you can improve on but without gear that doesnt really matter much


your gear sucks

wow in 2020 is gear >

so is it the ilvl alone or what?
do i need to focus on versa maybe?

I guess i haven’t really put much thought into comps. warrior seems pretty versatile. ive been running stuff like arms/dh/mist. basically double melee like dhs, dk’s, ret etc. ill usually play with mist or hpal, rdruid.

Like said your gear is really low and you don’t have the right stats.

Let’s be honest even if you got 1k8 it’s not that high to say you know what you are doing.
Unfortunately right now you can see at 2k1 some people (playing broken spé / Comps) that have absolutely no clue on what they are doing or 3x Dr the whole game etc…

ilvl is just an indication of how many stats you have, its also important that you have allocated them in the right places
your stats are all over the place, I’m not a warrior player but vers should be your go-to stat

for your weapon you’ll want to grab a big getti from kings rest

your essences dont seem optimal either, again im not a warrior player but im pretty sure you want a rank3 conflict and strife, breath is usually bis too

after youve gotten your ilvl with good stats up to 470+, the right azerite pieces, upgraded your essences, the most important grind starts

your cloak is way behind, you dont have the main stat proc and you are 86 corruption resist behind the curve, which equates to about 4x rank 3 vers amps (12%) I think, which is huge if you properly stacked vers earlier
pretending that you just upgraded your cloak to 15, you’ll need (113-50)/3 * 2000 = 42000 echoes to catch up
buying the necessary tier 3 vers amps costs about (113+20)/20 * 5000 = 30000 echoes

if you intend to have any fun this expansion, be prepared to quit your job, divorce your wife, cut your sleep in half and learn how to eat and poop at the same time for max efficiency

god damn this game is bad


wHy Is PvP pArTiCiPaTiOn So LoW?
-blizzard, prolly


Well this here is a problem as its not factually ture.
Also if you know all classes defensives / offensives and are still at 1500 that dosent add up.
Also Your partners will be a huge factor in your progress.
I have beaten several R1 players this season in 2s and 3s. That dosent mean i am better at arena then they are. It means my team was > their team that match. 1 person cant carry a team indefinitely.


ah yeah it certainly is.

More like -

Not enough people are participating in pvp, so let’s find a way to get pve players in there by creating really stupid pve stuff that lets them kill lesser geared players without needing to use class abilities!

arms is mediocre

just think about it like this.

what does a warrior offer that a rogue doesnt?

rogue has mortal strike effect, but they apply it with auto attacks.
rogue has a baseline 6 second stun on a 20 sec cd
rogues evasion is better than your cooldown, and is shorter CD
rogue can cloak or vanish if they get in trouble… u just try to waddle out of danger.
rogue can instantly snare/MS any1 with throw knife
rogues can start every arena in stealth, meaning they usually get a lethal opener

i know theres some high rated warriors out there, but for every high rated warrior theres 10 times as many high rated rogues.

you r a watered down assa rogue sir.