Getting Spammed Voice Chat error

Hey so I got the new patch in and I keep getting a message that I’ve lost connection to the voice chat service. Not sure if anyone else is having that issue, if anyone knows what it could be let em know.

People are saying their Adaware was causing it, but I don’t use Adaware and was still having issues. I disabled the Windows firewall and I’ve been fine since.

I tried disabling Windows Firewall just now to fix the issue, since I’m having it too. No change, still getting the message.

Hey all,

For the most part have been seeing this caused by some security programs. We do recommend first making sure any security program is up to date and then temporarily uninstalling it to see if it was the cause.

As Vertigineux mention this could be caused by a firewall. We do not recommend disabling the firewall. Instead do make sure that it is configured properly.

Some cases this could be caused by another program. Recommend running the computer in a selective startup mode to see if that is the case.

That’s what I’m getting. “Mess with your programs til you fix it.” OR… they could fix the parental control to actually disable it. Since, y’know, some parents might actually be doing this to protect their kid. I almost feel like it’s not working out of spite since they seem to really desperately want people to embrace their failed-from-the-beginning feature.

I didn’t leave my firewall disabled, but did manage to narrow that down as the issue.

Hey Vertigineux,

The latest patch actually didn’t make any change to parental controls or the voice chat service to my knowledge. Parental controls are intended to not allow the use of the voice chat in all of our games, but will not make a client software change to fully disable it. I’m not sure that I would want a browser based check box to be able to alter coding or deny an entire client component on my system in the first place, personally.

The client voice chat function currently works in the exact same method that it did prior to this interaction. Many security programs have difficulty identifying updated versions of the World of Warcraft client as an already known entity though, and their definitions can cause weird things to happen like this.

I understand your frustration with not wanting to further configure software, but we cannot plan for every variation of every definition in every security program in existence to guarantee this won’t happen. We do want to help though, but the solution here is to configure or disable those security measures until the security software is updated.

Hey Shame!

I noticed you mentioned you were deaf. Undaunted is a deaf/hard of hearing guild on Ner’Zhul if you didn’t know that. We raid mythic without any voice communications. Send me a friend request if you’re interested in being in an all deaf guild. Monster#13419

why do they not just allow a toggle on and off for this ?