Getting old!

try more than that buddy 99,999,999,999

Blizzard is becoming the Yugo of online games.

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Dragonflight was rushed to get it released as early as it was.

They didn’t have time to make everything future/bug proof.

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WoD, Wrath, BC…they all have been worse for DTime.

scheduled extended maintanence lol ok

they dont care about us , moderators would come in and explain what is going on , now they just ignore us , they are paid for life , even if they dont do their job , been like that for over 10 years

there’s a blue post in customer service explaining exactly what is going on

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i’m currently selling plenty of dusters on the AH priced with an agressive… no… Priced with a violent under cut. Get them before they go for resale.

Extended for 2 more hours, now its 11 LOL.

Its like you guys have ONE job…!!!..seriously lets get this moving!!..Have to train my freaken dragon!.. :rofl:

Totally expected. Waiting for the next extension and the forum rage to hit level 80. lol

that is next lv 80 rolling my eyes not sure I want to lv up another toon I stop only with 4 no more …

I am so glad I’m in my mid 20s how do you guys cope being so… Uh… Yeah

So Monthly sub for the last 18 years is 3237.84. So, lets be generous and round up to 4k, to account for Xpacs and what not. (which is HIGHLY generous). What in the Fudgebuckets did you spend the other 6k on?

Yeah my back hurts now.

I have to say i usually roll my eyes at these posts but yeah for the last while now i keep logging in to servers down seeing it say scheduled maintenance like scheduled means expect this everyday honestly it is getting old so i’m finding myself for the first time ever agreeing to this

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What! I came here to congratulate you on your birthday! I feel cheated now

In small Indie company speak. It is called “expansion on the fly.”

That’s barely a year’s salary for even a person in the poorest part of the US, much less a more expensive state or even another country with higher inflation.

And that’s just to pay workers, do you know how much money nation-wide servers would eat up??

Activision can most definitely do better, but the fact is; if we were to total up all the money it takes in technical costs, wages, etc… 10k is nothing. Not even a CENT by comparison.


When you get older fewer things surprise you, and more things entertain and amuse you than irritate you. At least that’s how it’s worked for me. Some people just stress themselves into an early grave. Sometimes people you know. Or family.

Yeah. Life lessons driven home with a claw hammer.

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