I would see other people get nerfed and not really think about it. Minor changes here and there didn’t seem like a big deal. This however, is something different entirely. I am 4/8 myth, run my keys every week, farm events and crests, and I would consider myself a pretty active player.
Getting 4 nerfs in a row feels like complete garbage. Every week I login, my item level is higher but my damage is lower. It feels like a waste of time lol. It’s not even worth changing specs to arms either since it’s barely better on some fights. Stolen power expansion.
Afte the roller coaster of a ride for Fury warriors the past few years I just couldnt bring myself to play Fury this xpac…changed to Prot.
I knew Fury would be all over the place and I was right.
Fury class devs should be replaced at this point.
To top it off, 4 nerfs that were never needed to begin with. Now the class is bugged and who knows if they’ll fix it, because I’m not sure anyone actually devs for warrior anymore. They just looked at wowhead logs from normal and destroyed an already average spec because it sniped adds before dk could.
Are you new to warrior/fury? This has sadly been an ongoing, consistent issue with fury almost every single patch since shadowlands launch.
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Welp, I thought I was going to last longer this expansion. Sucks my only main is a warrior. I have dealt with this far too many times to go through it again. Its stupid when you cant can invited based off the class you are playing. Oh well sub is running out in a few days and I think I have seen enough.