Getting LUA error in M+ when targeting Bosses (disable addons, reload, still error)

This was on Archdruid Glaidalis in Darkhearth Thicket when targeting him. I disabled all addons, which I don’t have many, and reloaded game, still same errors. Made me have to drop out of dung.

What is weird, I have same UI on my other desktop and it works fine. No errors. Do I need to reinstall game/ addons, not sure how to reinstall addons without losing settings

Message: StatusBar:GetMinMaxValues(): Scale must be > 0
No Lua Taint
Time: Mon Nov 27 15:40:44 2023
Count: 1
Stack: StatusBar:GetMinMaxValues(): Scale must be > 0
No Lua Taint
[string “=[C]”]: in function GetMinMaxValues’ [string “@Interface/FrameXML/CompactUnitFrame.lua”]:993: in function <Interface/FrameXML/CompactUnitFrame.lua:983> [string “=[C]”]: in function CompactUnitFrame_UpdateHealPrediction’
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/CompactUnitFrame.lua”]:203: in function <Interface/FrameXML/CompactUnitFrame.lua:187>

Locals: (*temporary) = StatusBar {
otherHealPrediction = Texture {
overAbsorbGlow = Texture {
myHealAbsorbLeftShadow = Texture {
border = Frame {
barTexture = Texture {
totalAbsorb = Texture {
myHealAbsorb = Texture {
myHealPrediction = Texture {
myHealAbsorbRightShadow = Texture {
0 =
background = Texture {
overHealAbsorbGlow = Texture {
totalAbsorbOverlay = Texture {