Can someone tell me how I can get exalted with Darnassus? I was saving cloth, but found that there was no repeat turn in options. I’d do one for wool, silk etc. Is Runecloth repeatable?
Also are their any mobs that innately give the rep/best questing hubs? Thanks!
For the next week or two the best way to get rep is turn in items for the war effort. Then turn in commendations 10 at a time to the Darnassus representative.
If you do the traditional runecloth turn in you only get 50 rep per 60 cloth. But if you do the war effort, then you get 75 rep per 20 cloth.
Not quite. Turning in runecloth bandages to the war effort is still better, but not that much better.
There are four nonrepeatable quests: 60 wool, 60 silk, 60 mageweave, 60 runecloth. Each awards 150 reputation.
Then, after you complete them (or just after you complete the runecloth one, I’m not sure), there’s an infinitely repeatable quest to turn in 20 runecloth. It gives you 50 reputation each.
As others have stated, yes the runecloth turn in is repeatable. On most servers non-NE level 60s can usually get to exalted with any of their factions capitals for roughly 1,000-1,100 gold worth of runecloth. Then the mount obviously has its own cost as well.
you get like 10 rep with IF and 2.5 rep with the other alliance cirties (not the correct amounts but you get the idea.) Lovely little thing called “spill-over rep” Is how i got a toon to exalted with every alliance faction back in vanilla doing AV…
Take the accommodation signets to the city you want to get rep with. If you turn them in in IF you get IF REP. If you turn them in in a you get SW rep.
No. Although doing quests from darn will AoE give darn rep so long as they’re not grey to you. You can do a google search to look for darnasus rep giving quests