Getting called a griefer for killing players in warmode

I thought the whole point of war mode was to PVP but people keep whispering to me that I’m ruining their game session by fighting them. Is it normal to fight players that are just there for the bonus loot or am I the jerk?

Yes and yes.

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a simple “u mad :)”

response to them will suffice

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Eh, not really - I think sometimes people get fed up when someone comes up like a bat out of hell to !@#$ their game play up when they were just trying to do something. Like, yea - WM is on, so all bets are off, but people’s moods in the moment can mean they feel like you’re making it personal since they’re already grumpy.

The only time I get annoyed at WPVP is when someone is clearly stroking their ego based on ganking me.

I hang out in GS a lot on this toon - I expect to get ganked, like, a lot. I don’t even defend myself half the time because I either don’t care or I’m busy eating / cleaning or browsing the web IRL.

But man oh man, there are some players that just can’t resist s%$t talking…

“Enjoy the walk”

“lol, scrub didn’t even try.”

Like, yea… no duh… I’m in GS surrounded by 20 alliance and I’m eating spaghetti, mid-bite… how on earth is that worth stroking your e-peen over, lol?

So, assuming you’re not just trolling or camping someone - basically - you probably caught someone in a bad mood. But I’m going to guess that if you didn’t feel somewhat bad or confused about it, you wouldn’t have come here to make a post.

So, the only real advice I can give are these two things:

1 - It’s WM, so just get over any weirdness and gank away - just don’t put your ego into it.


2 - If you engage and the other player just seems to want to just run away or not want to fight, you should just let the go.

Obviously a LOT Of people will say 1 is the obvious choice, given it’s WM, but like I said - you wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t feel a least a little weird about it.


No they don’t get to benefit from extra xp and extra world quest rewards because they have warmode if they don’t intend to participate in pvp imo


I agree. I don’t like being ganked as a healer in WPVP, but I do it because it’s more efficient… my most undergeared alt can clear an entire forest by the time I down a single NPC lol. It’s part of the risk I take as a healer, even if going without WM is more inefficient.

That said, the guy was feeling guilty, so I gave him a moral out. You don’t need to abide by it.

Kill them again.

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Meh, I never bother anyone when I see them out but I leave WM on in case anyone wants to try and gank me to make my game time a little more interesting.

I would say playing with WM on is an open invitation though, so not sure why someone would get mad.


I could also understand if I was greatly out leveling them or camping them but I only killed them a couple of times and as a holy priest that’s lower level than them I am not exactly the hardest player to run from

A normal part of world PvP is people getting irrationally angry at you


“You beat me, in something I opted into? Time to get mad at you!!!”