Getting better as a defender-hunter

i am struglling to defend bases, and is wondering how to get better

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Well, short answer is practice and experience. So the first thing I’d say is to keep practicing and analyzing. Is there anything in particular about those situations that you’re finding problematic?

According to your profile, it looks like you’ve got around 201 ilvl, have done a few unrateds, some rateds, and some arenas. So part of it is going to depend on what type of situation you’re in (unrated or rated, pug or premade).

Sitting solo on bases is tricky because there’s so much burst potential that it’s easy to get blasted and lose the node. So in those domination maps, you really have to work as a team, communicate, know where everyone else is, and adjust to the situations. So in that sense, your own awareness and communication (callouts) is the starting point. Especially when you’re at a gear disadvantage. Try to predict what the other team is likely to do (where are their numbers, where are they rezzing, where are they going next?).

Hunters have, classically, had a pretty good toolkit for those situations. Hopefully you can get some more specific advice from others here about how to get the most out of your hunter abilities. Where/when to use traps, cc, pet, what to do vs each class, etc.

Generally, the attacker is trying to win a quick fight, while you’re trying to re-stabilize and control the situation until help arrives. You’re killing the attackers if you can, but the flag is the important thing. Assume there’s always another rogue stealthing in to ninja the cap.

i foget to use important cooldowns (trinkets, stat boost, damage boost)

but the thing get called out for the most is not useing trinket, becuase i don’t know what times to use them at (mostly with warlocks)

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My advice is shadowmeld is your best friend when watching a flag. use shadowmeld and I am not sure if BM has camo but use those in tandem. Shadowmeld in one spot wait on CD then move about in camo to change position then return to shadowmeld then turn off camo for get in on CD. what kind of pets are you using when at a flag? Cats are good since they can stealth, so keeping your pets stealthed helps. the idea here is to say some one tries to cap the flag you can hit them first and call for help rather than them nuking you down in a one shot. Also using the a ferocity pet gives you leech which helps you live longer till help arrives.

If your pet does not have stealth and say you are using one with a slow, use Move To to place the pet in a different location near the flag and your self some place else. A rogue or druid will be thinking you are next to your pet rather than being someplace else.

Now for my self I will not set freezing trap. what i will do is have it ready to go. while in stealth I like to wait with it ready so that I can throw it say behind me if I detect a stealth next to me. Or If I am with someone I can throw that freezing trap onto my partner’s attacker so that we can both burn down that target.

When you throw out your ice trap If shadowmeld is off cd go back into it and go camo. call for help and change positions to call for help, ready your attack, and sent in the pets!

Remember sometimes is better to think in delaying rather than out right burning your target down. Some classes you just wont be able to burn down. Just a fact. You are out numbered. Its going to happen. So use defensives and pots as needed. Dont blow them all at once unless you truly have too. Keep moving keep aoe going when they are trying to cap the flag while some one burns you down.

while in turtle shell you can still tell your pets to attack different targets. We can not use our weapon while in turtle but we can still use our pets to attack different targets. So while in turtle players will go cap the flag. well get your pets on stopping them and change those targets if more are trying to cap that flag. All your pet needs to do is hit that target once to stop the cap then it can move onto the next capper to stop that. you can keep going from there.

Hope this helps and makes sense!


Stand on your trap. Keep flare up. Be aware when/if your pet is CC’d and have a plan if it sapped and you get opened on. Pay attention to what cooldowns get used on you and react accordingly. Try not to burn turtle unless the enemy uses a similarly powerful burst cooldown (blades, vendetta etc.)

If you sit on your trap, a rogue can’t open well without using cloak. If they burn cloak you can keep hunters mark on them to track. If you notice daggers in the dark debuff, immediately call out that the rogue is near and be ready.

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Pet out, you’re NE so meld/camo
If rogue starts capping, send pet on him and stay max range DO NOT melee range the flag
it’s about stalling until team it’s unlikely you will kill a rogue 1v1 he will just reset
biggest thing is CALLING OUT that a rogue/boomie/etc is there. If you get capped on by a rogue AND boomie and you call it out in advance, it is NOT your fault it is 100% your teams fault for not rotating.


I’d recommend getting a Hyena because of the Mortal Strike. Also Macro’ing your pet attacks into your attacks and keeping your pet in Passive. Pet AI can still be buggy but you’ll have a bit more control on what your pet is attacking. An added bonus of the Hyena is also gaining access to Master’s Call which is IIRC an undispellable HoF.

#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/use Attack
/use Bite
/use Infected Bite
/cast Aimed Shot

I’d also look into some cast @cursor macros.

#showtooltip Flare
/cast [@cursor] Flare

(Also getting this WA will help a lot if you lose track of your cursor:

Drop Hunting Pack and take Roar of Sacrifice. This will completely negate a Rogue’s crit leggo and a Combust. If you Macro it like I do it will prioritize yourself but if you mouseover an Ally it will Roar them. Keep in mind that it has a 40yd range so if your pet is outside of that then it will have to run into range.

Roar Macro:
#showtooltip Roar of Sacrifice
/cast [nopet] Call Pet 5 This will change depending on your pet's stable slot.
/cast [target=X] Master’s Call replace X with your char name
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Roar of Sacrifice

(You can also use the above Macro with Master’s Call just replace the spell names).

You can also use mouseover harm macros so if you’re just not quite fast enough with tab targetting a rogue you can mouseover them and use Hunter’s Mark.

#showtooltip Hunter’s Mark
/cast [modifier:shift,target=focus][target=mouseover, harm][harm] Hunter’s Mark

(If you hold shift and press your HM keybind it will Mark your focus provided you have one).

This may seem stupid, but make sure your always actually watching the flag. I personally have had times when the second I open my map is the moment a rogue seems to be capping. Or I’m looking to see where a teammate calling for help is at and I lose track of the flag. There’s addons to show the map on the screen while in BGs (i can’t remember the name), but if you plan on sitting a lot, I’d invest in it. So you can see the map with your teammates and the flag at the same time. Also in non voice groups it has buttons you can click that will put inc messages in the chat so you don’t have to type them out. Other than that you’ll get a lot of good advice here.

You can also use the Shift+M map. It’s still a little buggy with Carts in SSM and Points in DWG though.

that one doesn’t show allies though does it? I honestly can’t remember as I have the bg map addon now.

It shows Bases, Allies, and Flag Positions.

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Ok well i just don’t like it and the addon is better :stuck_out_tongue: J/k. I actually think I originally downloaded it for the inc call buttons since I did mostly YOLO’s while gearing.