Getting behind a caster

In old vanilla and TBC as I remember it when you get behind a DPS caster or a “face target” spell of any kind that would cancel the spell in progress of being cast if it has not finished.

That is how I recall it working in vanilla, and TBC, but it does not feel as if that functionality is working, instead the action of “Get behind the wizard” seems to allow them to now turn to face you, when that just was not a function of the original game.

As I recall the only spells that were immune to “Behind the caster” were omni-directional spells and spells that were in progress but “Channeled”

Maybe I remember Vanilla wrong here, but I know this to be Arena play in TBC for sure, just seems to me like I do remember doing this also in Vanilla.

Thank ya!

They’re reading you and turning with you as they cast.

I’m the caster. It doesn’t stop, you can just spin to face them long as the cast is not complete. Might be how the present incarceration of batching works and the system doesn’t check for facing. Guessing that may have been done on the client in Vanilla rather than the server. Retail basically does the same as classic, so maybe it’s a retail setting that didn’t get changed? No idea, just plays different than I remember.


What you just described is absolutely not how it worked. Watch any PvP video from 2006 and you’ll see this.

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Getting behind the caster to stop casting for sure worked in TBC, tho I cant say for sure on Vanilla, still researching.

No it didnt. it only cancels the cast if the cast ends without facing the target. It has ALWAYS been this way.

Casters only have to be facing their target when they start casting and when the cast ends. You cant simply run through them and interrupt their cast before its finished. That’s never been a thing and its the entire reason why channeling spells have auto-face-target functionality but hard casts do not

I was explaining badly, went and tested be retail. Retail plays exactly as I remember vs spells like classic frost bolt.

It appears classic batching is at play