Getting back to nature

The forms are limiting because we’re representing the wild gods. We get our power from them. You’re a bear because Ursoc wants you to represent him. You communed with him at L10 (at least you did when the quest was in the game) and he gave you his blessing. This is why you can use a bear form.

Same thing with cats, birds and goats.

I agree that we should be able to use the other wild god forms, but not any animal form.

We’ve tried Goldrinn’s form and it didn’t go so well. We got the Worgen curse and some dead Night Elves out of it. We technically can canonically turn into wolves, but Malfurion (the leader of the Druids.) has disallowed it.

It would have been the perfect time for Blizz to introduce pack form as a cat talent with BFA. Malfurion realizes that he needs to use desperate measures in his most desperate times, and uses the pack form only to find a way to control it and teach it to others. (Maybe with the help of Cenarius, or Malorne. Maybe we see him do a quest where he communes with Goldrinn himself to figure out how to calm the beast.)

It could have been a more direct damage form instead of the DoT focused form that cat is.

I also think a Tortoise form after Tortolla would have been cool. It could be a bear talent that increases your defenses, but reduces the damage you deal. That way you can choose between dealing more damage, and being more tanky depending on the content you’re doing.

But… Blizz doesn’t think like that… So… It likely won’t happen any time soon.

I can’t play my balance Druid anymore because of this. I wanna play it so bad but all these star spells and even glyph of the stars just idk makes me wanna not even touch it again. I literally only pvp with my balance Druid for all the root and thorns spells. :woman_shrugging:

If you understand the origins of the Druid class in the lore, stars and moon spells makes perfect sense though.

Druids are a combination of the magic of the Titans and Elune. Both god-like beings from space. Both arcane and nature spirits.

What? This is just nonsense you made up.

The quest to get bear form was with the Great Bear Spirit:

Whom we specifically know NOT to be Ursoc because they’re BOTH in the Emerald Nightmare raid.

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Pack (wolf) form as a cooldown for feral druids would be pretty cool, IMO.

Could even be an interesting effect with downsides… Activate it to turn into a wolf, gaining massive damage/haste/energy regen bonuses, but the longer your spend in wolf form the higher your chance of losing control. Maybe it would come with a fury/rage meter and slowly fill as you’re fighting, and if it reaches 100% you lose control of your character a la mind control and for 10 seconds or so you end up attacking allies.

Right. He’s a spirit version of Ursoc that manifests in Azeroth while Ursoc was in the Emerald Dream. We saw the same thing with Malorne and “The White Stag” and Goldrinn and the “Terokkar Wolf Spirit” during Cata and BC respectively. (Although admittedly, the Terrokkar Wolf Spirit has never been strictly stated to be Goldrinn. Although the Orcs likened him to Goldrinn after having seen his shrine on Azeroth.)

The Great Bear Spirit is the one who leads and ushers in new Druids to become Druids of the Claw. He’s stated to be “As old as the world” and is the representation of “the Strength of the Body”.

This is all the description of Ursoc. This is literally Ursoc in every way. They may just go by different names because the Great Bear Spirit isn’t actually Ursoc, but a reflection of him.

When you find him dead in the Nightmare, it could be because Ursoc doesn’t have the strength to keep it alive as well as fight off the nightmare’s corruption. It could be that the reflection hadn’t been corrupted and fought off the corruption of Ursoc and lost and therefore that part of him died.

We don’t know their exact relationship, but the Great Bear Spirit is supposed to directly represent Ursoc and his power.

YES. This is what we need.

Bring back power shift and displacer beast.


I feel like the whole sun and moon thing was inspired by actual druid’s affinity for astronomy. I do prefer the more nature based stuff though. Some of it is great but I want old balance back. And MOTW should be baseline. Give us back our buff!!

Well we know now from the Afterlives animatics that Ursoc’s spirit went to Ardenweald and well…not sure if you watched it but…

Right. You have to respect that my post was made back in November of 2019… Before Blizz retconned their lore to make room for Ardenweald.

Ardenweald never existed before this. The Wild Gods simply went back to the Emerald Dream waiting to be resurrected. Which was exactly what I was referring to.

Don’t come here trying to one up me with NEW LORE that didn’t exist when the original argument was made.

I’d be down for Glyph of insect swarm, always one of my favourite abilities

Idea for Insect Swarm
The mushroom in Efflorescence should be changed to a dormant Corpse Flower.
Insect Swarm should return, this time as a Restoration ability.
Not only with it’s damage over time effect, but with another effect.
When cast onto the dormant Corpse Flower, it will cause it the dormant Corpse Flower to bloom.
Empowering the effects of Efflorescence increasing it’s healing and radius.

Thematically I believe this is a good change because Druid’s, especially Restoration use Nature & Plants to heal. The Corpse Flower encompasses the theme of flowers and when the plant blooms, it smells like a corpse to lure in flies and insects so it can consume them to grow and nurture itself. It feels like a creative and fun way to bring back a Druid iconic ability like Insect Swarm, since it’s an over time effect, it fits in well with Restoration as its heavily over time oriented. For those who will miss the mushroom, they could add glyph of mushroom or something to appease those individuals.

Nature’s wrath
By this I suppose you mean the Green visual for Wrath?
I think it would be a nice cosmetic change when used by Restoration Druids.
I like having the distinguishing features between Balance and Resto, I don’t want too much overlap, as it removes class/ spec individuality.

Thematically it fits Shamans more so then Druids, it’s removal seems like a net positive for Druids and Shamans to help distinguish class individuality and identity. (Since shamans are the storm/ elements class).

Mark of the wild
I think it’s currently a PVP talent for some specs.
But Mark and Gift of the wild, and buffs in general should come back to wow.
I miss the days of questing and buffing random people and them buffing you.
Class specific buffs need to return in general, much like Paladin Blessings.
Buffs are fun, bring them back, the game becomes more fun, as long as they aren’t needed to be rebuffed every two minutes and become a chore.

Fits resto more, and currently a pvp talent.
Resto is more of the forest, plant life spec, and being distinguished from Balance is important thematically for spec identity and individuality.
Specs need to feel special to draw players to them, why would you be interested in resto (outside of performing a role) if all the fun and neat things about your spec are also held by other druid specs?

Really like the suggestions in this thread, would love the return of a more nature based balance Druid compared to what it has become now! Got my vote :slight_smile:

Careful with necroing threads. This one was closed last year.

:+1: yassss!

Space Wizard is best druid