People know HOW TO get it my man… but the intro quest just takes way too long, and all the content is miles away. So why even bother? Without adding teleportation pads to Vale and Uldum in the heart chamber and making the Wrathion scenario skippable… not having a cloak and not doing 8.3 content will be the norm for many alts.
Edit: For clarity devs, I’ve done this 48 times over… it sucked. My suggestions here are the bare minimum to change a 2hr expedition of suck into something just under an hour and making 8.3 more tolerable all around for everyone. Like that portal you put up behind the Vale’s assault boss.
And then, with a giagantanormous city and moat, and empty area behind the skill trainer, and top shelf of the tmog room with 4 tmogging npcs, they decided to put the npc vendors in a middle of a random basement in the middle of nowhere the player had no reason to EVER explore or would get to without flying.
Still haven’t got it. Probably won’t get it. The closest I’ve come to 8.3 is unlocking and playing a Vulpera. From what I’ve seen of Corruption it’s another “system” that feels as bad, or maybe worse, than Azerite Armor. So I’m not inclined to bother really.
Also about time for “I’ve already heard this story” button for alts, there are still some rep/story walls that stop one from getting the starter quest for this cloak!
i have played across race and class in this game for years and what is the deal with the “i will not play this game without {insert race} playable”.
who cares that much for playing a race that didn’t exist more than a year ago?
it can’t be for lore reasons, as they are so new.
racial buffs are the main reason most play any given race and you don’t even have that with begging for a new race.
i’d have to guess it’s just some strange scale version of a furry, and most people are not going to be for that cause.
i had to delete my main ally server mage so i could make a mech/gnome, not happy about it and wouldn’t have felt the need if it were not for racials.
(i could have paid for transfer but i put enough money into this game for what i get back)
Never said I don’t play the game. I love WoW. Love my Worgen. I log in daily and do things. I play other characters.
I just would be even more inclined to do even more content if something I am very interested in and prepared to be invested in became available.
I love snakes. Sethrak are really awesome snake people. Snakes are my favourite animal and remind me all the times my dad would take me out to look for them when I was a little kid. So there’s some personal interest in there for me as well. Dad’s my hero and I appreciate him for passing on his love for reptiles, fantasy and science fiction to me.
As for other people, most who I’ve talked with just love how different and unique the Sethrak are. And their lore. They have lore.
Dude, I’m just a snake and fantasy nerd because of my dad.
I know it might be asking a lot but can we at least have something that’s alt friendly on the matter of getting the cloak? We still gotta go through leveling our HoA, grabbing our Essences, and go through the lengthy process of back and forth just to get the cloak. Would much appreciate cutting out whatever becomes the middle man of this. Preferably either the Essences or the quest to get the cloak…
Or at least some plan to fix anything to make it less tedious.
Peacekeeper Jadaar says: I must have taken leave of my senses, allowing a Scryer to aid in such a delicate operation…
Investigator Asric says: My services were rendered. The protection of the city is not my jurisdiction. I believe that’s why they call you “peacekeepers?”
Peacekeeper Jadaar says: Had we been fully handling the investigation, I assure you, the evidence would have remained safe. Instead we used your highly questionable methods…
Investigator Asric says: Of course. My methods are questionable. It was my methodology, I’ll note, that exposed that “Griftah” as a fraud in the first place! You had only to keep the peace, and you failed in that simple task!
We already have 2 skips of the really lengthy parts. I got like 6 Horde chars with cloaks, not all leveled of course. And one Alliance. Something to work on when I run out of things to do. /shrug