Get your 8?

I won’t be for a few weeks since I’m on holidays without wow, wondering how everyone else is doing with the new patch if it’s breathed new life into filling your vault? Or has gear now upgradeable to your end of week vault slowed things down even more? I’ll be 0/8 keys but not by choice gl everyone this week!


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i’m at 7. Frost mage after rework been super fun to play. Finally having real aoe and not just 2 target cleave

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6 so far this week.

But I did manage to snag the KSM achievement and mount on my Evoker just a bit ago! Happy to get that out of the way since I sort of returned to the game late this season.

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Na not yet I don’t think I’ve done a key this week. I just got the animal crossing expansion so been doing that with homework.

Idk why I love animal crossing so much… but it’s fun. lol

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I’m sorry. :frowning:

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yeah, i’ve seen it. It’s still gonna be much better than it was.

p.s. nerf shadow priest.


Because Isabelle and the gang is wholesome.

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Not yet, only 4 so far. Will try to get the rest before reset day!

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I got my 8 time rifts in!

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I’ve ran like 16 dungeons so far. I’m even pushing for 14 and gonna see how it goes. I was like 300 Mon and I’m 1500 now. It’s fun. I’m enjoying learning all the dungeons.

I actually ENJOY this seasons dungeons. They are actually FUN. Last season SUCKED. HoV was the WORST IN HISTORY, for me, Azure Vault SUCKS, Algather Academy SUCKS, Temple of Jade SUCKS, Nokkud SUCKS

Finally we get a fun season!

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