Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

It’s more that their family should be pissed that their bread winner is a complete greedy scumbag and should be disgusted with them, not that they should starve.

Then again SoCal has a lovely homeless population these days.


I’m going tell you something that your friends show be telling you, you need to step away from this game. It’s becoming to personal for you and is not healthy.

If your friends have not told you this then I got some bad news for you…

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When you act like a mafia with your own omerta… Also lets be honest how may devs do you think make enough money at their hq to have a family there if they arent higher ups.

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Most of the guys working at blizzard actually make less then the median of the area and have to live over an hour away to afford it.

The management side however, oh boy. bobby needs another yaht, afterall.

Yea, you are completely missing the point.

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Youre deciding to stick to the foot notes which might not be respecting PR but going too far I wouldnt say that.

You think I’m defending blizzard for adding in tokens… I am not.

I was just telling the guy I was replying to, (which was not you BTW) that coming here wishing for bad things to happen to the families of Blizzard employees is crossing the line.

If you are defending that poster for his actions, or don’t see the problem with that, then you are part of the problem also.

While I fully understand your point of argument, I think the reasoning is pretty simple here. People are happy to see the stuff get removed. Heck before this happened I recall how people talked about classic+ and how GDKPs should not be allowed etc within my guild just a night or two ago.

The problem isn’t that it already exists, it is how Blizzard handles it. Simply disable GDKPs and ban sellers/bots more frequently. But that’d take effort, and Blizzard’s uppers saw the easy monetization button route and took it instead. Which will only exacerbate the problem in some ways.

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Good addition.

I mean, the best decision would be to go back in time and police the RAMPANT gold selling/buying and botting… however, given that ship has sailed this is a good addition in 2023.

If they did the BARE MINIMUM and enforced their own EULA we would’ve never been so far down this rabbithole.

“GDKPs are rampant and so is gold buying, might as well add the token” rather then “hey lets ban the bots and gold sellers/buyers so people stop buying gold” is such blatant direlection of duty it’s unreal.


On top of that note, this OBVIOUSLY isn’t a developer choice. The devs and blues all know this is BAD. No this is upper management forcing it upon them. Either cashing out of WLK or testing to see how it goes.

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Mate, grow up and get over it. This is attrocious.


Oh I fully agree. Hence why I said that. Saying “but they alrdy buy gold” is not an answer.

/shrug the devs have made plenty of bad decisions about wrath classic that can’t be put down to “upper management being greedy”. I have little faith they care at all


While that is true this one is just too on the nose for me.

I mean what does the token really do other than bring in money for Blizzard and slow down gold sellers by a ton? They will just move over to era and farm/sell more gold in era.

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Most of the dev team are only there for the paycheck. They get told what to do and they do it, that’s it. This fault, as always, lays 100% on management.

Look at what happened to 343 industries recently. They cleaned house and fired the entire head chain of the company after 10 years of failing the Halo brand.


I’m not defending the devs at all. Just saying I personally do not believe this was some simple developer choice. It feels more like upper management. As if they cashing out of WLK and grabbing what money they can for now.

Heck, might be a reaction to a lot of the current drama they already dealing with, in order to help their stocks. Idk. Just giving my opinion.

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Well that depends on whether your issue with gold buying was just the fact that it came from bots or whether you have an issue with gold buying in general. Because while tokens might reduce botting to degree it will in all likely hood increase the amount of RMT Gold by legitimizing and streamlining the process of getting it.

Well exactly. People constantly complain bout bots. Blizzard can say “this will fix that” ignoring the issues with gold buying in general.

Now the bots will migrate to era likely. Well some will.

I am mostly tuning in as an Era player with huge condolences over this. This just sucks man…

The thing is youre seeing this as a threat. I dont. This is at best wishing someone misfortune which is totally legal. Its just not very polite.

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