Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

It’s a good-looking set, and I want to like the color changing gimmick, but it really kind of cements the fact that I’m not going to be able to work it into any of my transmogs like I was planning to.

I have plenty of green sets and plenty of white sets, but having part of my outfit just clash for 12 hours every day isn’t good, and I don’t want to wear the entire set wholesale since I’m not exactly a Night Elf Warden.


i genuinely cannot understand why you are going forward with the color changing aspect of this. just split the set.

having stuff change appearance based on time of day is not a good idea, nor is it really all that cool outside of what the tech behind it probably is.


You have a reading comprehension problem and are far and away in the minority of thinking.


I mean with that mismatched brown/green/purple/black mog clearly you don’t have any sense of color coordination so you wouldn’t get it


Blizzard, there’s no way you aren’t aware of the feedback this set has been receiving. Just last week there was a 500+ upvoted post on the top of the wow subreddit about it. The players clearly want this fixed; even people who like the idea of the color changing feature agree that it should be optional, not mandatory. Nobody would lose anything by the feature becoming optional.

Until now, I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt that you have simply not noticed the people asking for the change. But after all the intense discussion of the past week or so, there is no longer any excuse of “not knowing.” You do know—especially after seeing all these comments on this very post—and if this problem is not fixed, then it will be an admission that you just do not care about what your playerbase has to say. And I think that would be a very sad thing for you to have to admit.


Thats a lot of times :crazy_face: :beer:

:fire_engine: :fire_engine: :fire_engine:


The whole day/night cycle thing usually means “only day 99% of the time”. I stopped using the cat mount for that reason.

We really need an option to pick which one we want.


Now now–
Let’s not resort to attacks on others’ sense of fashion.
Qaccy was altogether reasonable and non-inflammatory even if I disagree with their opinion.


Can we please just have the option to choose the day or night version?

The one person you’ve shown in game with this set doesn’t have to deal with the forced transition so why do we?

While you’re at it can we have that choice for the mount too? The only reasons I don’t/won’t be using these is that transition being forced.


So… does the 12 times count from what we’ve already done, or do we have to do it for another year? I’m not down with waiting a year for it, that’s a pretty dumb way to go about something. Did you not learn from the Violet Proto how much people hate year long commitments?

Okay, one question: Why were the Tauren transmog restricted to Tauren only, while a distinct Night Elf set can be worn by anyone? Poor night elves… never catch a break xD


Simple solution would be to have 3 versions of the set; one that shifts, one that’s green forever, and one that’s white forever.



It says in the post - it doesn’t have to be consecutive, just 12 months total.

And yes, it counts what you’ve already done. You can see the achievement now. Mine is 11/12 months.

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The thing is, I already addressed the so-called ‘problems’ in the rest of my post. People want options, yes, but to reiterate, the color-shifting is kind of a core feature of the set. If players can pick either one or the other, that’s essentially removing that interesting feature and maintaining the status quo when it comes to transmog.

Same as above to you, with the addition of…if you’re a player who’s essentially ‘locked’ to one color due to playtime restrictions, then it’s really no different from any other transmogs anyway. Another appearance to collect and either use or not use (which to be fair, applies regardless of how this situation shakes out in the end).

Considering how many posts are complaining about the color-changing, and the color-changing is a fairly unique feature of the set, it kind of is.

The minority in a forum thread, forums which are primarily dominated by a minority of the playerbase overall and are usually complaining about something? Color me surprised.

Ah, GD, you didn’t t let me down. You’ve proved yet again that you will whine and complain about every thing produced.

Stay fresh, GD. Stay fresh.

I mean being able to use a mog for a mog doesn’t seem like that crazy of an ask.

And choosing to attach a gimmick to something that took a full year of gameplay to earn, has been requested pretty much since the game began, and has no real defensible reason to even have this gimmick in the first place…

Like, you do get that this makes it functionally useless to most people who mog, right? I don’t have to explain that to you?


make it a toggle and let ppl pick which they want to wear i guess. ez fix


Blizzard please give us the options to also have the two colors separate, it’s going to be such a pain trying to mix and match mogs for this. sure I could just take some generic weapons and call it a day, but being able to mix and match the sets is what is really fun about transmog

Don’t even get me started on how bad this color changing set will be for Dracthyr, with only the shoulders and belt available at such different contrasts, it will be nigh unusable for them.

All ya got to do, is make one color shifting form, one daytime form, and one nighttime form… and everyone will be happy, easy win.