Get rid of m+ affixes that makes people not want to play the game

jesus bloody hell…
I just checked the affixes

spiteful AND necrotic

my posterior… i can feel it getting ready


I somewhat disagree with that, I feel like you should always have a feeling of progression on the dps meter and not regression. The only thing that makes me excited about the game is doing big damage, I just wanna feel like I’m getting better and I wanna feel the difference of that new 304 piece I got in the vault.

I have seen people give grief to dps classes during explosive week. I usually link their explosive damage and thank them for their service. :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly I wouldn’t mind explosive if they could be cleaved down, but having to single target them is a big yikes. Sometimes you’ll have one spawning outside of the group which is totally fine but when you have to target an orb in the middle of 15 mobs, it’s just weird.


The only affixes people want are non-affixes when stuff doesn’t change how you approach the game at all. In that case, why have them?

There are literally 3 affixes max that I would want out:
1 - Necrotic
2 - Spiteful
3 - Explosive

That’s it

EDIT: An maybe sanguine just because there are some mobs that simply can’t be pushed out of the puddles.

im not looking forward to trying spiteful in GD or any other cramped place.

talk about anti-fun :smiley:

The ones you leave in are non-affixes or stuff that can just be healed through.

I mentioned the ones that are poorly designed, it’s not about being a non-affix

how are they poorly designed? It’s preventing people from continuing the strat of zerging stuff down.

1 - Explosive, the room before the last boss in HoA, pulling one mob was aggroing the entire room spawning dozens of orbs everywhere.

2 - Necrotic, it literally made blood dk unplayable in season 1 and 2

3 - Spiteful, you couldn’t progress through the maze in mists because of spiteful keeping you in combat

Sounds like terrible design to me

I will say, affixes are pretty good right now - there’s a couple that I really don’t like though.

Grevious is a big offender - it really hurts healers that need to be attacking to their best healing (Disc/MW), as it still runs in between pulls. It doubly screws Disc - AFAIK - because absorbs aren’t considered healing for the purposes of reducing stacks, so even Discs biggest cooldowns are no help (as is Prot Warriors biggest “direct heal” Ignore Pain). Grevious needs to consider absorbs when reducing stacks and fall off when out of combat IMHO.

Necrotic - tanks who have low mobility are punished twice as hard as tanks who don’t. An affix that some people playing a role can easily handle solo while others will absolutely fail if not helped by their team is a bit problematic.

Blizzard can fix these ones to make them OK I think. Bursting was a great example of a really bad affix that I think got fixed well, allowing it to be dispelable gives healers some direct counterplay. Let all healers or tanks have counterplay to affixes that directly impact them, and we’ll be in a better place.

Necrotic was a much bigger problem in S1 than s4 imho. It still sucks, but let’s dig in:

Most tanks will naturally drop stacks on most of upper kara. The pull density in the dungeon is very low. 3rd platform of last boss demands use of CDs and probably fine for most tanks.

Lower kara pulls will quickly stack the affix. No way around that, the pull density for most of the later half of the dungeon is going to be rough. But tank damage on trash is t usually an issue when we’re CCing pennies and avoiding ushers. Ushers also won’t lead to high stacks here.

Mechangon junkyard pulls are typically just a handful of mobs. Should be okay. Small nonelite troggs have random targets. Rest should be fine.

Workshop has a few large pulls that will be rough and require proper CD management towards the end. I can see the affix being an issue on those last few sets of trash.

Tazavesh streets is low density pulls except the mailroom (and only if you have a geared tank that is used to pulling that room that way).

Tazavesh gambit Murlocs will be awful like they were last season. Pull density in dungeon is med-high, but we’ve done this affix here before.

Iron docks pull density is medium if you need it to be, should be largely fine here.

GD is still 5 mobs per pull, and with proper CC and CD management tanks should be okay. The only issue I see is high stacks on the pull with the brute before 2nd boss. Probably the last boss platform too. Only because you can’t slow/CC certain mobs and dropping stacks is harder here.

So we should avoid 2 dungeons because of a few difficult pulls? I don’t think the actual gameplay is as bad as the community feels like it is. I don’t do higher than 16s generally so I’m speaking up through this difficulty.

I think that this week can be fun with all of the shenanigans, and variety is fun… butttttt I will probably only play my tank with guildies this week.

1- And yet HOA keys were done, even on explosive.

2 - Give something to blood dk then, but if class balance was truly a concern, blood dk would be smacked with the nerf hammer by now.

3 - is more of a mists issue than affix issue.

You’re just deflecting at this point

It’s what we call disagreeing.

Yet the amount of groups in the group finder is always at its lowest during necrotic weeks.

Tanks just don’t want to deal with it

I can agree with Spiteful being removed, but explosive is largely fine since the HP nerf and only thing that really needs tweaking is outlier pulls (like last trash mob in Halls of Attonement) where tons of explosives spawn.

Necrotic needs a redesign IMO but isn’t necessarily “bad” to exist. Necrotic gets excessive on tyrannical weeks when you can’t escape the boss, feel like there are certainly ways to adjust Necrotic. For example, maybe you can’t gain Necrotic stacks during defensive CDs or something?

I’d take a different dungeon rotation over affixes, but I certainly see where you’re coming from with the affixes.

Shrouded is actually pretty fun. I’m neutral on Fortified, Tyrannical, Inspiring, Storming, Quaking, and Bursting. Explosive is alright, Sanguine is alright. Grievous, necrotic, and Volcanic are terrible. Any area denial affix is terrible in dungeons where there isn’t enough room to avoid them (ie, Depot).