Get Rekt - GJ Blizzard

Then it may as well be automated.

At that, I’m still heavily not convinced despite them telling us in our face. Which happens often.

You know what this means, right? This means either GM’s have a general uncare for things, or it’s automated. An error for specifically this guy? Okayyyy.


If true then good. I don’t play Classic but I read about the stuff happening and whatta big ol’ mess.

That’s hogwash. There is no system that auto-suspends people. Only squelch is automatic.

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Blizzard is in free fall what do you expect. Don’t you have phones?


Did the person who got the suspension get the scarab lord though for losing out on it? If not this means nothing.

That had to feel really satisfying if someone had to suspend the players themselves and not use a bot

Yeah because blues never lie. :roll_eyes:


People stabbing each other in the back over pixels. Not even new pixels. Having the bug mount in classic is like having the shiniest wheelchair in the retirement home.


Pretty funny to be honest. Wish more troublemakers were banned for their shenanigans.

This is really specific to classic only because of the nature of that situation. Nothing of that nature occurs in retail so this thread really belong in the classic section.

Nice, now they just need to do the same thing to people who abuse the report mechanic on the forum.



What a pack of rabid animals. Fingers crossed they stay in their mud pit.

They ran out of casuals to eat so now they turn on each other.

Predictable really since Blizz left them to rot on Classic.


Just cements my disdain for most of the classic community. I’m glad those tools earned a break from the game.

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GMs have not really cared since the job was changed to an entry-level, minimum wage position. I’ve had a conversation with a guy who worked as one in the past year and he said it was horrible. He said they’ll laugh and joke to each other about banning people.


citation needed

Oh, I don’t care if you don’t believe me or not. I’m not here to debate. It was just interesting hearing about how things really are from someone doing the job rather than all the speculation.


If only we could do the same for the mass flaggers on the forums.

While the forum code of conduct specifically states that creating false alarms is bannable, the same level of people who enforce GM actions take action on things like that here. It’s very much cherry-picked.


Talk about gatekeeping…