Get Ready for the tanks

All us healer types are hereby changing over to run blood DKs in arenas… that way we can still heal, no one can kill us (a lot), and we won’t have to put up with the bots, cheats, game throwers, still get rating. That’s how the players fix MMR.

Hey man if people were routinely killing you as a healer, that it 100% a you issue.

Nope, just dying when the DPS went afk or throwing matches for win swapping

I support this.

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Funny how after Supatease makes a video about wintrading the copium turned from “I’m being gatekept by R1s” to “everyone is win trading!”.

Don’t know what you’re talking about but i hear you

So very heroic.

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It is a hero class so yea! You and me baby, we’ll own the 2s bracket

i’ve been ready for this buddy

Pvp is dead move on…

I bet I would be an insane blood dk pvper if I committed to it.

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I get the feeling you could be insane at most classes you try.


I would be the worst healer you could ever imagine.

I think I’m like 1700 at best on a healer

I watched you duel aeghis on your hunter. idk how his reaction speed to block was that fast.

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Yo I was about to say that!

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Ya I messed up there. I mistimed my sniper by like 0.1 and he had an insane camo knock prediction. He even insta-ray canceled perfectly anticipating the incoming damage and frost lock.

Aeg is always a next level mage.

I saw that sniper shot. I saw you precasting it while he was blocked and I’m like oooh its going to hit instantly! but yea that mistiming hurt. I knew for the sake of it being on his youtube you had to lose but I was rooting for you.

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If you wanna run Blood Dk with Death Chains into Devastation combo, I’ll be your Huckleberry :dracthyr_uwu:


Blood for the Blood God