<Get Off Our Lawn> - Alliance | NA-East | PvE & PvP | DKP | Semi-Hardcore

Hello all, I played Vanilla through WotLK (around halfway through woltk life demanded I stop playing wow so that was the end). I was part of a raiding guild that did MC through BWL. Then we merged with another guild and I eventually Co-GM’d and we raided all the way through WotLK.

I enjoy raiding and hoping I can rekindle that fun with a group of people older enjoy joking and having a good time.

I will be leveling a Healadin and eventually a Drood, while my Healadin will be my main. Going Herb/Alchy, Cooking/Fishing to try to accentuate all the buffs I can. I can try for 7pm est for raiding but 8pm would probably be better. If you still need a Healadin let me know.

Absolutely man, send myself or shyfty a message on Discord and we will get you in and you can get to know us better.

Discord: Shyfty#0901
Discord: Nankersore#2668 (Me)

Bump for these guys.

Pretty cool group of people and they seem well organized.

OP you need a horde sister guild named “Damned Kids”… Then do the RvB (EvE) thing where you organize huge PvP event’s with each other.

Sent today, you should see a friend request from ncdiablosaur (don’t ask long story… or ask if you want a boring long story that ends with no point)

What about non raiding members? I.e someone who is there to chill.

We are not just a raiding guild, so all are welcome!

I joined these folks a few weeks ago, and we’re very active in our discord. We’re getting pretty organized already with class selections, etc. We’re all chomping at the bit to get our server and names reserved. Let alone for release day!

They’re down to earth people, with families, priorities, and are helpful. We have people that will raid regularly, and some that might join us from time to time, and some that are just into pvp.

So… bump!