We’re an Active, Friendly, Team oriented gaming community formed in 2011. We are seeking 1-2 Melee (Warrior/DH) and 3-4 Rdps (Mage/Priest/Rogue) 1-2 healers (Priest/Druid) ideally with an off-spec, as we make the push into mythic. Our goal is to progress while having and have fun while progressing in a laid back atmosphere.
We have an active community as well as guild, if we aren’t Raiding, we’re usually running/pushing keys. If you’re looking to make the push into mythic, or if you are just looking for a place to call home then GET MAD might be the guild for you!
Main Raid Times: Tues/Weds 8-11p Central
Alt run: Friday 8p (optional fun runs for those that are geared for it and want to tag along)
Consumables, Gems, Enchants etc. are supplied by the guild under the pretext that everyone contributes in someway shape or form. Not everyone can gather herbs or mine ore, but everyone can chip in and do their part, We look out for and take of our own.
For more information and what roles/classes we’re looking for check us out on wowprogress
if you would like to contact me directly - Retro#1563 (serious inquires only please)
We do not pay for server transfers