Get Item Info Received

My addon checks for items in inventory.
If nil, set an event frame, the addon returns many items that were not cached, except my item.

local cache_writer = CreateFrame('Frame')
    cache_writer:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, ...)

    if event == 'GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED' then
        -- the info is now downloaded and cached

        local itemID = ...
        print("cache_writer: ", itemID, itemID==30817)

I am seeing items in the print statement that my character does not even own or spell, like Soul Shard. The toon I am testing with is a warrior.
Or my main, Prot Paladin as in the screen capture.
What is even more strange to me is when I reload, the item info is returned properly because of the cache, but the item shows in the GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED event.
Why if it is cached? I am wasting way too much time on this. Obviously I am doing something wrong, but I don’t know what.

Code that is called initially to either get the item info or trigger the GIIR event...
                local icount = GetItemCount(item:GetItemID())
                --Info:  false 30817 nil   985 1 30817
                print("Info: ", iname==nil, iname, " ", icount, k, v)

And why would item 6265 be in the GIIR even multiple times ?

Thank you,