<Get Booped> [A] Recruiting All for Heroic 10/25 Man - Firelands - Wed/Sun. 6-9 ST

is looking for dedicated raiders for our 10 man Heroic team going into Firelands. We are a solid core group of raiders that have been together since Ulduar and are looking for more dedicated raiders to add to our ranks. We are also recruiting everyone to fill out a 25 Heroic team come Firelands.

We are a semi-hardcore guild looking to push through heroics in the current tier and beyond. We only raid one day a week currently, Sunday, but will be going to two days (Wed./Sun.) for Firelands.

Currently we are in need of a couple DPS and a healer to fill our 10 man team. Preferably a Frost DK DPS and another range, but all are welcome to apply. What’s most important is your attitude and dedication to progressing the raids.

We strive to promote a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, while also encouraging those in the guild to reach their full potential and achieve the goals of the guild which is killing heroics bosses and getting that sweet heroic loot.

Our loot is kept simple as it’s merely MS>OS, with sometimes a touch of council. Even if you’re not interested in heroic raiding, if you’re just looking for a friendly and helpful atmosphere, is open to all who are welcome. We run other 10 man teams throughout the week and 25 man alt runs. Thanks for taking the time to read through this. If interested, please feel free to respond or DM me, or an officer, in game. Contact information is found below.

Laragus/Naturesun - Laragus#1900 (Raid Leader) Discord - Manners617