Get a team to 1500 quickly

Then you Q into 1850 + teams then tank your hidden MMR and land in 1750 hell


Better than grinding vs full pvp geared players at 1200. At least you’d be facing similarly skilled players instead of players with a massive gear advantage.

This MMR system is literally the most over worked useless math equation ever lol.
What happened to arena? Why do you get 10 points at 1500 for beating a 2k team after going 15-0? Then you loose to that same team and its 45 rating

Pretty odd.


I spent too much time on the forums, and never played TBC passed level 63, so I can’t complain with you about this stuff…

But I really just haven’t been able to get into TBC Classic.

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You probably made the right call, i think im going to retire TBC. Arena and PVP is legit forgotten and damn near impossible to play.
Seems like the spell batching has made mages broken and since you cant fake cast on this new client lifes miserable

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I mean, Blizzard really messed over the best part of the expansion that we were hoping to play for no reason that makes any sense other than on purpose.

For no obvious reason other than sabotage (which makes no sense, but is clearly what has happened).


There is no spell batching in TBC, and stop making up excuses as to why you suck, everyone else is using the exact same system, if they can do it you can.

Be happy 1750 isn’t even that bad of a rating, you’re actually beter than most the sh!tters that play.


I can 100% tell you shatter mages are not working as intended. the retail back end client has scuffed it up. Ive played enough games prior. Watching Venruki’s stream hes concurred that mage is not working like it was prior and thats because of retail back end client and the way it batches spells. Not going to argue this point. Its easy to say You Suck, i wish that was the case…would be easier to explain. The game and its feel is just nothing like real TBC-MoP arena on the old back end.

Its too bad, FoTM meta’s suck. If i could farm gear in time i would level a rogue or mage and just lol clap for glad.
Im going to hope the S2 leveling out of gear makes more comps viable. Given the state of arena…S4 will probably just be RMP, RLD, Spell Cleave.
The way this new retail back end client hits and plays just doesnt promote anything less than fotm.

Edit: You also cant do a ladder run without a fotm comp and if you do the mmr system will screw you. If i play 2k teams at 1500 it shouldnt tank my rating gains


Your mmr will sky rocket once you start beating 2k teams and your CR will catch up.

It’s designed for players to get to the rating they should be playing at quickly.


The major issue is mages can get a sub 1 second GCD with Icy Veins and MQG due to retail client. Back in OG TBC the GCD was capped at 1 second and could not go lower.


Wrong, this is due to playing on the 2.4.3 patch, working as intended.

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Again, wrong, working as intended in patch 2.4.3.

You people seem to forget you are playing TBC on the final patch, this isn’t progressive patch, everything works exactly as it did at the end of TBC.

The placement game system is dumb. If you queue with a new player on your team your first 10 games will be vs people 1000 mmr below you. My friend at 1400 the other day queued into freaking chanimals.

How fun is it to randomly queue into people with literally 1000 more MMR then you? And imagine if the higher team randomly loses due to crazy RNG or a DC. They lose like 200 MMR that needs to be grinded back up.

System is completely busted and makes no sense

There absolutely is still spell batching on abilities like blink and vanish that will give you a big fat immune if you intercept/demo shout for about 1s after their use. You can also still lock out a mob by pulling it with a spell like earth shock. (It starts casting after your spell has landed and therefor should not be locked) How you can even try to defend this abysmal server is beyond me. If it was a private server it would have been laughed out of existence.


The spell batch window is 50ms, spell batching even exists on retail, its always been in the game, if you think a 50ms spell batch window is game breaking you’re a moron, the window is so small is basically doesn’t exist, working as intended.


Your foot is so far in your mouth right now. Stop you look silly


Posts on a level 22 warlock
Trash talks everyone in his post history
says get good noob and insults with no facts or knowledge of game
15 year old has joined the chat.

Do your parents know how emotionally unstable you are on the internet?


Thats literally not even the context of my post. You are reported
Seriously what is wrong with you?
You are aggressively insulting people on several different threads
None of the threads are even related
You dont need to be on the forum. You understand forum is for discussion?

Seriously why are you the way you are dude? Whats going on with you in your life right now?
You are not a stable person and WoW forums are not here for you to take out emotional pain you cant manage

That’s the retail system, it’s intentionally grindy and ironically more grindy than the original TBC system that could have you from 1500 to 2k in about 18 games (not exaggerating)

At this point I would take the old system back because at least it matched you closely vs teams of your own rating range instead of constant counter comps that are 200 rating lower just so you can hemorrhage points. Getting past the counter comps with a non-meta team use to be the reward, now the the new system it’s a curse.

The old system isn’t perfect because getting games at high ratings took forever like sometimes an hour, but looking at counter comp or 1 hr for a quality game… I’ll wait the hour.


you literally are getting matched against people of your similiar MMR. if you’re losing its because you need to play better, not because of the system.