Get A Northrend Upgrade Before Your Journey to Icecrown

Yeah, I said it elsewhere, but as a TL;DR:
Blizzard is selling a character boost at a discount (compared to a Retail boost price) and trying to do a bit of upsell with it, but a lot of people don’t see value in a character boost at all but do see value in the upsell, and the upsell looks WAY overpriced because of it.

I put a character boost as having zero value at all, and the rest of the “package deal” looks like stuff you would get like when you actually buy an expansion like Dragonflight, so that leaves people to then equate the package like you’re buying an expansion, but since this “expansion” is free, the look is SUPER bad when you don’t value the boost but do everything else. When we pay for an expansion, we feel like we’re paying for the expansion and they throw a character boost in free or cheap with the whole package deal. It’s difficult to separate that intrinsic value when the value is different to different people.


Well then there’s your issue.

Because a character boost has always had value. Sure, if you basically say: “Oh a character boost has no value, it’s worth $0” then naturally the entire package looks overpriced, because the cost of all the other items, no boost, costs $45 (assuming the mount is 1 purchase for the classic and retail versions at $25)

Then you’re looking at this and thinking: “Blizzard wants to charge me $80 for a mount, a pet and a toy? What?!!”

But the boost does have value, it always has had value. Especially for Classic because it’s not something you can purchase more than once per account. There was no separate level 58 boost that you could purchase independent of the Dark Portal Pass. So when you paid for said Dark Portal Pass, you were purchasing the boost itself, not the expansion, because you were already getting that for free.

That’s what I’m saying though, to most of the people complaining, the boost has NO actual value, it’s useless. I understand that yes, it does have value, especially to Blizzard, but to the complaints of price it’s easy to see that it has no value to those. I’m not interested in Classic anyway, so it’s moot to me, but I’m still sitting on multiple retail boosts because I have no use for them. There’s no value in that to me even though to Blizzard, sure there’s value. Most people ARE looking at this and thinking exactly what you just said and you won’t be able to convince them otherwise, ever. You can try to convince them of what we’ve said, but it won’t matter, it just won’t look that way. It’s selling time, and time has a different value to everyone.


To be blunt, anyone arguing that this is overpriced because the boost ‘has no value’ is not arguing in good faith.

I can’t take anyone making that argument seriously, and no one else should either.

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Just put the retail glider on the store so we can buy it on sale in 6 months when its a reasonable price, we don’t care about Classic.


Why you shilling so hard? People like you are what’s wrong with gaming.


And people like you that expect something for nothing are being unrealistic and living in a fantasy world.

But hey, we all need a hobby.

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Wow, wasn’t the TBC package $40? I know there’s inflation, but this seems like gouging.


The standard edition of the Dark Portal Pass, which included the boost and the toys, cost $40. The deluxe edition which included the mounts cost $70.

The heroic edition of the WotLK Classic (which is the boost and the toys) costs $50 and the epic edition, which includes the mounts, costs $80.

So a $10 increase, which is honestly fair.

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dayum thats kinda pushy. almost sounds like an order lol


no thanks :slight_smile:


Only thing I don’t like is that the ‘toy’ is a 1hr cool down summonable fishing vendor. I dislike something like that being added in especially at the beginning of the expansion that added vendors like that as a gold sink.

Meh, I wrote WotLK off as soon as they axed LFD, this just cements my feelings.
I played it the first time around when it was new, sure as heck not paying 80 dollars to do it again.


A lot of complaints from people when the purchase isn’t even a requirement to play.

I paid for the Epic Edition? Why? Because it’s my money and I want to support Blizzard in what is essentially a free expansion for everyone. Do I get any special gain from it? Absolutely not, I already have flying, riding and level 70’s.

Stop complaining about something that is completely optional and just let people do what people wanna do.

80 bucks for a mount, no thank you, EA.


It’s not for sale. You do not need to buy Wrath Classic to play it.

This pack is for items.

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Is there a way I can get the penguin pet on my fresh character? No need for the boost lmao.

I guess you missed the part where we also pay a $15 sub fee every month on top of that? Like imagine charging $80 US dollars for content we already have in retail…. Fudging criminals man


It’d be great if the mount could be a separate purchase.


Give all the people who stuck around through SL this for free. If you are going to give new and returning players free SL with a boost, your loyal customers at least deserve this. If you must make us pay, players who stuck around through SL, should get it heavily discounted, maybe $20-$30.


I wonder which emote will need to be removed now?
