Gerwsgfdsefa dsgfd

Glad to see the mods cleaned the trolls out of the thread :slight_smile:

Anduin first.

This is perfect. I love and support it.

But to the OP point it def would be a good addition to the game and if bothers others go find other NPC’s that you like and let everyone have someone they can enjoy if they want.

Tholo and Anren #1 gay power couple in WoW.

Shoo troll.
Low-quality bait for the lowest hanging fruit

I have big concerns about the sort of people who shipped then-underaged boy with still-underaged dragon boy.

Do Twitter schizos belong on some sort of watchlist?

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Dude Anduin is like in his 20s right now, he has killed people in war, stop treating him like a little boy.

Are you equating LGBT to people who have schizophrenia?

You really should remove Anduin from this post. It’s objectively wrong.

Hah! I was wondering when the HORDE was going to finally get theirs.

So are we all responsible for reading the novels? What if we just want to play the game?