Genuinely curious, do people actually like Plunderstorm?

idk, it feels just like wow pvp to me, getting ganked by people who can dechiper all the random bright colors better than me. only difference is its everyone for theirselves and you’re a pirate

I absolutely do not like it. I tolerate it for the mogs/mounts but once I’m done I don’t touch it again.

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nope… didn’t do it the first time and not doing it now

It’s just stupid.

They advertise it as a PVE event, that barely had any PVE in it. It’s more PVP than anything and kind of the most balanced PVP they’ve ever had, yet still sucks to play.

Then they lock rewards behind it.

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Naw, everyone hastes Plunderstorm. Blizzard created it for themselves and zero subscribers are playing.

It was different, but popular? I don’t know. But it was a change from the usual stuff we have available. Now, I heard a lot of people talking about how much they dislike it and are doing it for the rewards. Personally I didn’t hate it, but once I got the rewards I didn’t play it any more.

Judging by the queue times, it’s by far the most popular type of pvp in the game. Of course, once the vast majority have all the cosmetics they want, I imagine it will drop off heavily. Most of PvEers get in, get their cosmetics and immediately get out. That’s what I did.

No. It’s a waste of resources. If I wanted to play a battle royal I wouldn’t be playing WOW. It’s kind of like Mario Kart in the next patch - they are doing their best to completely destroy the MMORPG out of WOW.

Not to mention the horrible latency makes it impossible to kill other players.

The rewards are nice. I do like pirate-themed customizations. The actual game-mode itself is forgettable.

Don’t care for it, but current iteration isn’t bad as a time sink for some cosmetics - though it still leaves a lot to be desired and feels ‘bad’ playing some side game that isn’t WoW for WoW rewards (what next, play a WoW skinned Candy Crush for WoW rewards?).

Oh and if they want me to not hate the mode totally, stop randomizing my entire list of characters after playing it would help.

I “enjoy” it as much as last time.
Spawn in, do the objective, die in storm, repeat…

Popular enough that they brought it back.

I enjoy it, fun, bite sized, easy to understand, with just enough nuance / skill expression that doing well feels rewarding. It’s a game mode that rewards awareness and positioning moreso than rotational gameplay or twitch reflexes and I enjoy that.

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It’s so far removed from WoW PvP that I actually DO like it.

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Pretty much. I used to like WoW PvP, I haven’t got a while, but I like this.

I like plunderstorm more than wow pvp.

I don’t PvP in WoW at all, as anyone can tell by looking at my achievements, but I love Plunderstorm.

It’s… okay. I don’t hate it. I think them changing it from a Renown track to just farming plunder is better. Although, I do like Timerunning more than Plunderstorm.