Hey guys!
I just have a quick question regarding targeting in arena. My mains are: Ret/War, and I typically run the same comps whether it’s Turbo or Vanguards. This season I’m noticing a lot of caster cleaves which has made it difficult.
Now I’m aware typically you want to be swapping on defensives, to maximize damage, is this always the case? I just find sometimes swapping vs Caster cleaves, you swap, using your mobility only to be kited. Upon actually hitting the target the defensive which made you swap in the first place is done but all you’ve done is waste your mobility.
Not sure if anyone has a priority list for targets this season? Like I feel I’m doing decent this season but I also feel like I’m missing something.
Thanks guys!
Don’t want to use your mobility if they haven’t used their mobility, especially if you have limited mobility like on a ret paladin.
It really depends what you’re playing as and what your comp is.
If you’re playing as melee vs the triangle caster formation you might even want to think about just disengaging so you don’t have to commit any resources.
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No decision should be pre-determined before the gates that cannot change during the match based on the actions of your enemy.
For example if you’re facing, X/Lock/WW and you guys call lock, thats fine, but if the healer runs across the map by himself to CC your healer and is left by the WW and lock putting down port/gates, then you should just punish the healer and LOS the Lock and WW.
Same goes for DPS, if you’re hitting the lock and you’re on him + his port, and he gates away but allows you an opportunity to hit the WW or Healer and LoS him, you should do that instead of crossing the map just to try and get to the lock. His only other thing to really do is port or waddle back to you, on top of his port, to try and peel for his team and to punish you.
Also, keep in mind of where your healer is and your target shouldn’t be able to force you and your healer into a bad position, just so you can hit who you called to start the match.