Gentlemen Lounge and Megathread - Warcraft Scope


I think this kind of thread could be accomplish but from a warcraft and game perspective, I know there’s going to be reports like always with this kind of thread but I want to focus on the topics concerning how the male figures are potrayed in game.

For context, how the games has evolved from “big muscle males” to a more father figure:

Or a more emotional role like Kalecgos in Dragonflight:

I think Kalecgos perceives Sindragosa as a mother figure. I like this kind of emotional approach for male characters but I also eager for more conflict content like WoD or BFA cinematics.

Spoiler Orc Heritage Questline

I also brought this topic ,since next week there’s Heritage armor questlines that maybe will include Thrall’s children, How do you perceive Thrall changes since WC3 and his Warchieft perio to a more familiar and emotional character.

This kind of topics, so don’t bring toxic behaviour.


Just dropping in to wish you guys luck. I hope it stays open. :heart:


same wish this thread the best of luck


I just want to hear other players perspective on male figures in Warcraft lore, not matter the gender, Since recent games like The Last of Us, God of War brought this kind of emotional approach.


i do love how kratos change from a brute to a father brute who will protect the loved ones


This wasn’t the gentleman’s lounge that I thought it was.



I didn’t even think about that.

are there even any men left who are gentlemen?

its amazing how kratos went from this to what we got in the new god of war games

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Up the testosterone


Even if she wasn’t literally Kalec’s mother/grandmother/etc, the flights have a somewhat familial relationship with the leaders as the metaphorical parents.

Between the destruction Deathwing did to them and the losses during the Nexus War (including Malygos) what was left of the Blue flight had fragmented and all went their own ways instead though. His arc is the Azure Strand was about rebuilding that family except with him as the leader now (I know he technically has been but not really functionally).

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There are and there are plenty of men that are still gentlemen.


Hey cavemen, sharpen up your sticks
We’ll drive that wooly mammoth right off the cliff
Now cavemen, gather round the flames
We’ll eat the meat and divide up what remains

Caveman rejoice
Caveman rejoice

Hey cavemen, now that we are a team
We’ll attack those other cavemen across the stream
We’ll sneak up, ready for a fight
We’ll steal their skins and weapons in the dead of night

Caveman rejoice
Caveman rejoice

Ey abuna!

Caveman rejoice
Caveman rejoice
Caveman dehuh

Ey en i oh!
Ey en i oh!
Ey en i oh!

I miss WoW’s og chin daddy


this thread is doomed.

The father figure arc for Varian was really short, MoP didn’t have too many moments between him and Anduin, then WoD focused in other characters, then Legion happened…


Dave Chappelle - Chivalry is Dead ( Killin’ Em Softly) - YouTube


“No, it’s just in a coma.”

I’ll inform the undertaker to fit this thread for a box and set aside a decently sized plot.

Can’t relate at all to how males are portrayed in the game at present.

Couldn’t watch through the video and get past Kalecgos’ stuttering just because of who he was talking to (please note that if you actually have a stutter it’s fine and not the same thing at all, not to take out of context, look at Cicero). It’s cringe.

On the contrary I disagree, quite unhappy with how men are shown in WoW atm. Not really portrayed as men at all.

Please bring back stronger male characters like Thrall or Varian.