Generic title

I can’t wait for another week of destroying Rag and collecting loot.

Another week of hunter loot?

The Enclave: Defender of Alliance womens, destroyer of horde bullies!

Another day with a massive number of new recruits. Hail friendos

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Really unimpressed by how this guild carries themselves inside and outside the game.

I hope the leadership continues to try and weed out their bad apples, the server could use a more mature


Please leave recruitment threads to recruiting, there are about a half dozen other threads that our devoted followers have made you could post in.



2nd bindings acquired

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Congrats! That’s awesome luck.

Still recruiting to flesh-out our PST raid-group and maybe even a 2nd EST raid at this point.

We’re honing in on 2 hour MC clears now. Last night was smooth sailing. We are starting up 2 more raid groups and can expect the same results.

Raid content is already trivialized for us as we shower our members with gear for PVP. You, too can be a part of this success. Join today.

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That doesn’t seem like luck.


Please continue, across multiple threads, the implication something uncouth is going on, simply to stir the pot, instead of contacting a GM about it.

I’m telling you, right now, please open a ticket. I’m sure Blizzard will be very interested in your allegation we’re layer abusing or we have an employee somehow helping us. I am encouraging you to do this.

You won’t, of course, since your objective is only feigned caring to annoy people, but by all means, if it bothers you, use the mechanisms in place to test your theory.

Let us know how it goes.


You’re putting words in my mouth. Sincerely, I hope it’s genuine and I hope Horrigan actually gets Thunderfury on insane luck and that we as a faction have a villain to face.

Reported for what? Supporting your GM in his efforts to get Thunderfury?

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Meus, are you the guild leader?

No, Horrigan is, always has been. Always will be.

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We are recruiting for our East and West Coast raid teams.

Let me recruit you so Horrigan will finally let me out of the crypts below the Lock trainer in SW.

Fret not, Alliance. We spent the night clearing Final Boss out of our lands. Sleep soundly tonight knowing Grand Marshal Horrigan, Hero of The alliance, cares for YOU. He fights for YOU. And he will continue to stand up for YOU.


We’re doing our part. Are you? Join The Enclave and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship

Adios Final Boss