Generic recruitment

After Horrigan liberated Darnassus, I was assigned as his aide by the Temple of the Moon. At first I was disgusted by this violent human man, but after I saw his zealous desire to slaughter the green menace threatening all of Kalimdor, I came to respect and admire his dedication to the art of mass murder using bladed weapons. Over time, I even decided to forgive him for defiling lady Tyrande. It wasn’t her fault that such a virile and capable warrior temporarily captured her attention.

To this day, I still provide Horrigan and his band of rapacious and homicidal humans with healing services. It is no longer just a means to an end, I have come to truly enjoy their company, even if most of them are disappointingly short and not nearly pink enough to be respectable. There is also the issue of their tolerance of dwarves and the stunted, filthy, earth-defiling gnomes, but exceptions must be must be made if Kalimdor is to be free. I figure that we can solve the gnome problem after we are done with the orc problem.

We are still looking for more friends to play with for classic launch!

If you have been looking for a well established guild, with a fun community, look no further. You’ve found it.

I was walking towards the Goldshire outhouse when I saw that beast, Horrigan, strolling out after what seemed like a nice release of the chocolate hostage. I was on my way to do the same when he slapped my butt as I walked in. A few farts came out. That was embarrassing. I told Horrigan to wait up and we could grab some lunch. After I got done with what seemed like hours on the can, I felt rested and relieved.

I met up with Horrigan as he waited inside the Inn at a table. He gave me a stern look that said: “I’m going to kill you one day” but I knew it was because he was only able to squat 495lbs in the gym earlier. His goal is 500lbs. Since I was an apprentice cook, I only had some charred wolf meat for us to eat. Horrigan immediately threw it in the hearth and proceeded to pull out some of Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops. My mouth hung open as I couldn’t believe it. So rare and yet I had no idea where he got it from. He didn’t have a backpack or anything that I could see.

When we were done, we went to the Fargodeep Mine to burn off some calories. When we got there, we saw the Billy Maclure talking to the Kobolds. Horrigan had gone off to strangle a few Kobolds but I stayed around. I thought Billy was making a drug deal with them. He had boxes of candles and the Kobolds were buying them from him. A few hours later Billy was walking back to his farm when Horrigan threw a rock at him which caused him to fall down. Horrigan offered to help and this is when he stole the money from Billy and took off. He winked at me and I went and Polymorphed Billy. I was hoping a wolf would come by and eat him before the spell wore off. To this day, we’ve never seen Billy and there are missing signs all over the place.


I’m no Natir, but these guys are awesome.

Ran into these guys numerous times, definitely worth looking out for. Start head hunting them early while you can.

Aww thanks for looking out for us. You’re a cutie you silly goose.

If you are trying to be the best…this is the place.

God, can’t classic come sooner I can’t stand waiting.

Our Supreme Leader will lead the Alliance into a golden age of prosperity and intellectual advances.

Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
The Enclave is here to stay

Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers
Never ending potency
Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker
Breeding on insanity

Circle of destruction, hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury, dominating flurry
We create The Enclave

Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop The Enclave
Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill The Enclave

The Enclave is found in me

Recruiters are standing by to field your questions.

It was a dark and stormy night in Teldrassil. I was but a small kitten, not yet able to shred or rake. My parents, as much as one could accurately refer to them, had left to go and join the Darkmoon Faire. Alone and afraid, I took shelter under a tree. I know, a tree on a tree, right? I was amazed too. Desperately doing whatever I could to get out of the weather, as my so-called parents hadn’t taught me the simpler things in life. How to clean myself, hunt for food. All the basics were lost on me. I was as good as dead. I was sure I would never see the sun again.

Suddenly, I heard the distant sound of screaming and feral growls. The savage horde had invaded. With nowhere to go, I committed to my makeshift hiding place. The screams and growls got closer and closer. I could feel that my time was short. With no other choice, or perhaps out of sheer panic, I dashed from my hiding spot and attempted to run. Where to, I had no idea. My only thought was to put those screams and growls as far away from me as possible. I ran and ran and never looked back. I could hear the sounds getting faint. Satisfied that I had escaped the danger, and wearing down quick, I slowed my running to try and recover.

Suddenly, I felt something grab me by the tail and yank me high into the air. “What do we have here? A tiny elf! You’re supper!” the beast growled. I had been caught. This was it. The beast had me at his will. I couldn’t fight back, and I couldn’t get away. I closed my eyes, preparing for the end. Everything started to get silent. I knew this was it. Suddenly, I heard a rumbling and felt the ground shake, as if the very world was attempting to rise up against this monster who now held my life in his hands. Then like a clap of thunder, I heard “HAIL!” and suddenly out of nowhere came the Hero of the Alliance himself, Horrigan. Like a flesh wrapped tank carved out of stone and coated in barbed wire he charged at the foul beast. I’m not quite sure what happened, because everything was spinning. The orc tossed me away mere seconds before the mighty Horrigan plowed him over. Once I came to my senses, I stood up and walked over to the now flattened orc carcass. Hardly anything was left, but a few bits of stinking orc flesh and broken and twisted bones. I looked up at my savior, and he raised his Grand Marshal’s Claymore high up in a sign of victory. “Hail!” he shouted, as he pulled back the reins of his Swift Palamino, and charged off to into battle once again.

If it were not for his bravery, I would not be alive this day. I would have ended up being cooked into some horde savage’s disgusting soup. Hail Horrigan, and hail the Alliance!

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I’ll never forget the first time I laid eyes on the Champion of the Alliance. It was early 2007 my small group of friends and I had recently hit level 70 and decided to celebrate with some wpvp in hellfire peninsula. We were fresh broke 70s so we grabbed the fp to honor hold and made our way to hfp. Upon arrival we found 2 of the 3 towers under the horde’s control, heck yeah time to get dirty, our first target would be broken hill so we mounted up on our ground mounts and headed north.

We encounter no resistance at broken hill, ez cap and slap, stadium was still under the alliance’s control, maybe the horde aren’t actually here what a bummer onto the overlook. Overlook was just as barren as broken hill, our dreams of wpvp domination were starting to slip away. Two ticks into our overlook cap the moment we’ve all been waiting for yellow alert text appeared in our chat and the stadium turned red, looks like meat’s back on the menu boys. We finished capping overlook and hastily made our way to the stadium. To our dismay the horde didn’t want to pick a fight just yet it was a ghost town, we decide to stay and full cap the stadium and cut them off at the overlook, we were 17 year old tactical geniuses.

The stadium cap was taking forever, we could smell the blood in the water and couldn’t wait to outmaneuver our adversaries. The cap was three fourths of the way there, just another minute or two and we’re in business. The overlook has been captured by the horde ¿lulwut? we were just there my dudes is this bad? Fear and confusion gripped us we were obviously outnumbered they capped that to fast, maybe we’ll go all in on broken hill and retreat to honor hold if stuff gets hairy? There was no time to deliberate, high in the sky northeast of us five objects came into view red names mounted on wyverns headed directly for us. Defeat is all but assured these fat cats have flying we can’t outrun them we are probably embarrassingly under geared compared to them, our only option is to fight.

They swoop down low in a terribly synchronized formation and disappear from our sight we decide to hold fast on our high ground atop the walls of the stadium and wait. Broken hill has been captured by the horde, we were so naive, all that’s left for us now is to take as many of them with us as we can and spirit rez to safety. Corruptions start to appear on my allies debuff bars as the horde begin to flood in beneath us, I active sprint and beeline towards our enemies trying to get a sap off on an out of combat target to help even the odds, turns out I was actually going to eat a frost nova, nice try nerd, escape artist, I’m all over you.

The ensuing battle felt like it took an eternity but was probably only a minute, apparently our foes comp consisted of three male bloodelf holy paladins probably because they are super pretty. It’s not easy to kill a target with three pocket healers but thankfully hpally’s aren’t known for their top tier dps and we’ve got a resto druid turns out lifebloom was kinda good. We’re losing this war of attrition however, I’m out of cooldowns the druid is going oom and our lock buddy could have probably live forever realistically affliction was op but it’s time to retreat. We jump off the northern side of the stadium walls, it’s a stretch but we can make it back to honor hold, more importantly why do I have two racks of lock dots on me now and what’s this ravager doing here. Broken hill finally decided to show up to the party and we jumped right into their waiting arms. We’re surrounded, low health and the good for nothing druid is 100 yards away in travel form praying to go ooc and stealth, for all intensive purposes we dead.

Have you ever been hit by 10 holy shocks at once? I have and it felt great, unbeknownst to me my savior had already arrived. Like a swarm of divine locus I watched as a tempest of plate, diplomacy and stormherald’s devoured the horde in front of me within the blink of an eye, at the head of that glorious force Horrigan. Five seconds ago my aggressors were all too assured of their victory, now motionless on the ground the only thing left of them were the honor tokens in my bags. Without a word he and his outfit mounted their gryphons and were gone before I could even say thank you. That life changing encounter left me with two things an indescribable desire to join the ranks of The Enclave and what I’m assuming was a troll blessing of wisdom. A few days later I finally worked up the courage to request admission to what was now my life’s only purpose and who better to ask then the conqueror himself.

The story of the first time I ever spoke to Horrigan is much shorter. He told me I was not fit to join The Enclave because I was a filthy subhuman and undeserving to wear their banner, so instead my friends and I lived out our tbc days under the guild tag of Horrigans Gnome Posse and unquestionably carried out his will until they opened up to all races in wrath. Fortunately for you guys there is no class restriction this time around come play.


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Recruiters are standing by on discord to field your questions.

Hewwo does anyonye ewse want to pway dwuid with me on Cwassic and we can wowe pway as scawy kitty cats?

Grab your sword and fight the horde!

Another day, another batch of fresh recruits standing by to destroy the Horde.
Only 10 more days friends.

Remember, in Classic, the bigger and more organized your guild is, the better!

The Enclave will help you reach all your goals!

While Classic is one of the staple games we will be playing. The Enclave is more than just a guild, its a gaming community. So don’t hesitate, and join today!

This is a very good point, even if you don’t plan on playing classic but stumbled upon our recruitment, we offer a ton of variety.

More than any other WoW oriented community, I can guarantee that.