The greatest moment of my roguish life came when I was on a scouting mission for The Enclave in Tarren Mill. We’d been skrimishing with a rival guild that night, but we’d lose sight of them. Myself and the other rogues were out in a search pattern to locate the mutant filth.
I found them, climbing up on Thoradin’s wall, bypassing the checkpoints required to immigrate into Hillsbrad. They’d laid traps and totems on the incline, and were casting blizzard and rain of fire on top of that. I called in the situation to Horrigan, and he asked what I thought we should do. I called up our Elite Paladin Corps to break the blockade of traps and totems, then have the valiant Warriors and faithful Priests follow in to instill fear upon our enemies. Finally I’d called for the rest of The Enclave to bring up the rear and dispatch any stragglers.
Horrigan nodded gravely and gave the go ahead order. In the ensuing melee, we suffered no losses whatsoever, so complete was our surprise attack. In the end, we wiped them out. All of them. I’ll never forget this day so long as I shall live.
The most active and organized w/pvp wow guild I have ever been part of. The best memories I have had in this game are thanks to The Enclave and Horrigan’s leadership. I have been with them for years, through multiple games, and I never felt like my time was being wasted.
The organizational structure and attitude of TE is the perfect match for a lot of people who feel ostracized or cringed out by your more traditional style guilds that engage in normie-enabling and handholding. The authoritarian style hierarchy works extremely well for fantasy type raiding / mass pvp games. It’s refreshing in its simplicity. Indeed, Horrigan > everyone. There is no drama, because there are only two tiers within the guild. Horrigan and everyone else. It’s brilliant, and with a group of this size, a semi-benevolent dictatorship is the ideal type of governance.
Not only is it an idea type of structure for a guild, it is canon within the wow lore for strongmen to lead groups of motivated fighters just like this, and The Enclave itself fits perfectly into an RP-PVP type of realm. If you are looking for an over-the-top, exaggerated-on-purpose type of paramilitary WoW rp-pvp experience, look no further.
The guild is full of people who want to go out and just mess around, “patrol”, do random wpvp or weird tasks, camp, etc. You will have plenty of people to do normal wow activities with, as well as organized pvp, AND tons of players who play the game simply for the opportunity to stir the pot and get zones of horde whipped into a frenzy to start wpvp at any scale. I’ve spent dozens, or maybe even hundreds of hours with other TE members just f*cking around and doing random wpvp stuff, and nobody considered it wasted time.
The bottom line is that you are here to be entertained, and TE is the place to create the entertainment and enjoy it. Grab your sword and come fight the Horde. That’s what The Enclave is for.
If you don’t know us yet, you will. TE leaves a sustained impact on whatever server it rolls on. Be part of it from the beginning this time.
Recruiters are standing by to field your questions.
I joined The Enclave just over five years ago. In that time I’ve gotten to know many of these guys better than I do my irl friends. No matter what game we play as a group I know it’s going to be a good time. The community that you are part of is what makes your experience, and I wouldn’t trade these boys for anyone else.
Looking forward to the real MMO experience where grouping and community matters.

My first encounter with the Enclave was 15 years ago in Planetside. I wanted a ride in their air ship, so I demanded a ride. They said “outfit only” (outfits were guilds in PS). So, I agreed to join.
The next several hours consisted of us completely dominating the enemy. We had about 150 players using military tactics and proper comm discipline. It was amazing. I havent looked back since.
I was a boy in Stormwind City. I had lost my parents to the third war and the Stormwind Orphanage could only manage so many children at once. I would constantly get into fights with the other children. I called for the adults and children to stand with me to fight the scourge, but my request would fall on deaf ears. It upset me greatly. Why did my parents have to die? Why do the denizens of this world have to suffer at the hands of the undead menance? That is when I chose action.
I regularly snuck out of the Orphanage to stare at the wares of Lionheart Armory and Weller’s Arsenal to dream of one day taking the fight back to the scourge. Mr. Gunther Weller caught me trying to arm myself with a Kris from his weapon rack and explained to me that I would have to purchase the weapon or else he would turn me into the Stormwind Guard for theft. Mr. Gunther Weller even brought the price down from 71 silver and 16 copper to a modest 30 silver 35 copper. I was committed to acquiring my first weapon to help dispatch the undead scourge.
I found myself working small jobs all over Stormwind. Small jobs, catching rats, running mail, pulling weeds off the walls. After weeks of attempts to accumulate the necessary funds for Mr. Weller I had but 3 silver and 4 copper. Mr. Weller refused my attempt to barter for the Kris and I had lost hope at my personal vendetta. I turned face to begin my march of failure out of the store and found myself sitting at the corner of the store’s stairs staring into the bustling Auction House.
Seeing the trade of items and coin reinvigorated my resolve and I began aggressively begging for gold. I ran up to adventurers, pulled at their boots and exclaimed, “GIVE ME COIN SO I MAY AVENGE MY FAMILY”. Some laughed and thought it was a joke, some shooed me away. Most adventurers would walk by as if I did not exist. Some adventurers would try to dissuade me from my “futile” task. I broke down into tears. I felt alone in the world. That is when he caught my eye.
A warrior clad in golden gilded armor mounted on his armored steed. An eagle off one shoulder. A great sword on his back. Followed by a cadre of Paladins in equally awe inspiring armor on their golden horses. I quickly ran up to the man and exclaimed, “SIR PLEASE GIVE ME COIN SO I MAY AVENGE MY FAMILY!”. He turned to look down at me. At first he didn’t say anything. He looked me over from head to toe and assessed me. He then looked to where I had locked my hands into a death grip on his Marshal’s Plate Boots with Mithril Spurs. “Lord Horrigan!” one of his Paladins responded as he reached for his sword. The warrior waved off his Paladin guard with his right hand and brought the hand down to pat me on the head. “I will not give you coin child. If you want to avenge your family however, you may join me”. My tearful expression was wiped away with his kind words.
I immediately accepted the kind Lord’s gesture and was invited into The Enclave. I found myself surrounded by helpful people that helped me hit 60 within the week! I then obtained full fire resist and downed Ragnaros the following week. Best decision ever.
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Enclave recruitment video.
Yes! Sounds awesome.
Come, fellow Alliance, join the Grobb Mob!
Active recruiters are currently in discord at to bring YOU into the fold.
We have a great number of videos of action in game. You can be in the videos as an alliance hero, or as a horde corpse. Let us know which you choose!
Recruiters are standing by to field your questions.
I was once a Human now I am Undead Scourge… NO thanks to this Guild I shall get my revenge.
Stress test was just the beginning, join today.
I make the bad peoples fall down
What are the predicted raid times and is the guild accepting of Ret Paladins for raid content?
Main raid 2000-2300 EST Tues/Wed, and we have at least one additional raid for the weekend TBD by guild member availability.
You can raid as ret as long as your dps keeps up with other classes.
Up over 100 members in 48hours, still taking people, the more people we have the more raids we can potentially have. Keep our recruiters working we would love to have you.