<General Goods> [A] Saturday main Raids

is a long time Pagle guild that has been clearing Molten Core quite easily without 40 consistently for several weeks. Going into BWL we are just short the final few people to replace the more casual players in the raid for people who intend to raid most every week (we understand life happens). Currently we run BWL Saturday at 5pm server time with discussion of doing a second night on Friday or Sunday for Molten Core and Onyxia. If you are interested in joining a good core of players who will stick together for AQ and Naxx, this is definitely a wonderful home for you.

We are currently actively recruiting skilled dps and a resto druid. We are especially interested in fury warriors and rogues but we are interested in any candidates who can make their case of all classes. Our expectations are only to flask for the beginning of content, then only elixirs/general consumables. We do have a general guideline for dps and healers to maintain and expect you to be competitive with your fellow class members. We are also considering casuals or alts who would like to be around for Molten Core and Onyxia but can’t commit to consistent raid weeks.

We are a loot council guild for BWL, and we base loot council on performance and raid attendance. However, we knew going into BWL, who was getting big ticket items and had several class discussions about it with the raiders, and this will continue into the future. When you join you are a member for the first two raids before becoming a raider.

PST Alchemist, Herbalist or Gammoth in game or dany#3781 on discord