Gelkis/Magram reputation gone after patch day

Howdy. SoD-player. l

Monday night I grouped up in Desolace with a rando to do quests; had a great time. He’d already done it but I was on the “get 10 ears quest”—we were at it long enough to actually get friendly/hostile gelkis/magram, but instead of turning that in, we went south to kill skeltons and do the quest where you use a ghost trap to summon ghosts and harvest their ghost goop.

It was late, so I just logged out in the Desolace inn (alliance).

Came online last night, found my rep was not even in my character sheet anymore. Went to test it out, killed a gelkis centaur, and got the double “you’ve attained neutral with

I’m just gonna skip it because it’s not a big deal but, in case something is happening here that might affect rep that matters, is why I’m reporting.