GeForce RTX 3070 should offer RTX 2080 Ti level performance for $599

We’ll see a GTX lineup, almost certain.

I was happy with my i5-4440 and Asus ROG Strix 1050ti that I had a custom OC on (got this one with a power connector so I could try OC’ing for the first time). For WoW at 1080p/60hz it was more than adequate. Issue for me was wanting better overall performance for work-at-home days and when the 3600/2070 went on sale, I jumped on it and also upgraded to 1440p/144hz.

Since WoW is the only game I play, I’ll probably wait until the ray tracing and other improvements are further along - so as much as I like staying abreast of these developments, it might be the 4000 series for me. (As long as I avoid looking at the black friday sales, this will probably work out :slightly_smiling_face:)

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I’ve been using a gtx 1070 since August of 2016. Wanted to get a rtx 2070 super but it kept flying off the shelves before I could get the chance to buy it when I had the money.
Now I’m eyeing the rtx 3070 with great interest. Depending on how this winter season goes I might get it.

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I was very happy with my 1050ti for WoW - but the rig I got on sale has a 2070 which had been tremendous. I was planning to wait for the 30xx series. Now I have a big decision if the improvements are as significant as has been rumored.