Any old folks out there looking for a place to put your feet up and take your teeth out? Give <Geezerhood> a try.
Geezerhood is a brand new guild on Greymane and we'd love to add more to our membership. The guild ideal is a fun, no drama environment for the new, returning or been around for a while mature gamer. If you're 35++ and looking for a place to play the game you want to - or to try to bring back the fun feeling of a great guild the way it was in the 'good ole days' - Geezerhood may be for you.
We're small and plan on staying small.
Our focus is leveling and growing together. We love our alts and welcome yours. Did you used to be hard-core, then took a break and have come back lost? We're kinda lost too! Let's figure it out together!
Most are leveling brand new toons and starting over after returning to the game - so low level toons are more than welcome.
Contact Smittn on Greymane (bnet id tamj#1641) or message here for more info.
I definitely qualify :). Wasn't a hardcore raider back in the day, but have raided and do pretty well on my mage. Right now I'm rolling an undead hunter and I'm going to be moving my troll mage to Greymane. Am very interested in a mature guild! I'm at #luvtheskins1236. I'll message you if I see you online.
Count me in. I'm a returning player and would enjoy some new pals, seeing that all the old ones have disappeared.
I'll be looking forward to an invite. I added you to my friends list. If I see you online I'll message you.
Thank you.
I'll be looking forward to an invite. I added you to my friends list. If I see you online I'll message you.
Thank you.
Definitely interested. I do mythic but have some catching up to do! Will message you when I’m in game.
Sorry I haven’t caught up with any of those who replied yet. October was a crazy month with my daughter’s wedding, then the holidays hit.
Definitely going to be around more now and we’re definitely looking for more members to do some achievements with and grow with moving forward. I don’t check here a lot, but feel free to message me online. tamj#1641