<Geese Not Handled> Stormrage-US is recruiting for TWW!

Geese Not Handled on Stormrage is recruiting for TWW! We are a reformation of a seasoned team under their own banner. Our mission is simple - Achieve CE while having fun with friends in a non-toxic environment. The team, as a whole, has been together for two years, and the leadership has substantial experience running successful CE teams. Outside of raid, our raiders do a multitude of things together, including movie nights, and non-wow game nights; many members even got together at last year’s Blizzcon. We nurture a fun environment within the guild and the raid, and are lazer-focused on achieving our CE goal.

Raid Times
Tuesday, 8pm-10pm EST
Wednesday, 8pm-11pm EST
Thursday, 8pm-11pm EST
Note: Tuesday is used for reclears only.

Recruitment Priority
Holy Paladin - High
Mage DPS - High
Warrior DPS - Medium
Warlock DPS - Medium
Rogue DPS - Medium
Other Ranged DPS - Medium
Other Melee DPS - Low

Discord: hali.

Geese have a complex communication system with a range of vocalizations and body language. They can convey a variety of messages, from warnings about predators to calling out to lost family members. Their vocal communication includes over ten distinct sounds, each with a specific meaning.

Come be a goose.

In ancient Rome, geese were kept in the Temple of Juno and famously saved the city from a Gallic invasion by alerting the Romans with their honking when the invaders attempted a night attack.

Happy 4th of July to all our American folks!

Geese are known for their long migrations, often traveling thousands of miles between their breeding and wintering grounds. They use landmarks, the position of the sun, and the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate.