Gearing for PvP sucks now

Sorry, but this just isn’t true. Blizzard has had PvP specific modifiers for abilities since wrath. PvP changes rarely affect PvE. On the other hand, PvE changes always affect PvP. You can look at the last patch for an example, where destro warlocks were buffed because of PvE but were already too strong in PvP. Nothing was changed for PvPers to offset that buff. Meanwhile, PvP changes come with the caveat “in PvP combat” which means that the changes only affect PvP.

I know this talking point is popular on GD, but it just isn’t true looking at the history of the game.


Pvp in wow does nothing but waste time if ur wanting to gear

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My class was nearly destroyed in a couple expansions thus far because of you pvp complainers wanting supposed balance making life more difficult pve.


Absolutely 0 classes or specs are balanced or designed around PvP, so you again are incorrect. You are assigning blame to the wrong thing.


That is your opinion, yet there is a thread with a mage complaining Dh Needs a nerf cause she can’t easily destroy them.

I did that for like 10+ years.

PVP was my thang and now look at me, completing my first pathfinder achievement ever due to pure Bodrum

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lol. that isn’t even slightly true.

The only time this really presented an issue was in wrath, mostly during ICC because the 1800 weapon was easier for players to get then the raid one starting off the tier.

PvE gear has dominated the majority of PvP tiers.


Yea they really need to bring back vendors. Their vendor argument is a joke. “People couldn’t find the vendors and it’s too confusing” or whatever they said. Meanwhile we have azerite vendors and all sorts of rep vendors…


They don’t want vendors because it competes with the current design philosophy of the game. I.E. Titanforging and Warforging.

Going into legion, they wanted players to feel like they always had something to do. They don’t want players being able to just finish gearing through vendors. Looking at it now though, it doesn’t make sense why vendors couldn’t be an alternate gearing path.

The response as into why they removed vendors though is about as insulting as you get and they know that.


People like you are dumb


it only gives me 415

takes a really long time to get high enough for 430 rewards through just conquest

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And that is design, you are doing higher end game content so you are getting higher level gear then someone who is doing LFR, or just pug battlegrounds, so you have access to higher level gear.

OP wanted to avoid having to do that, and just do pvp, where gear is to the best of my knowledge still scaled in instanced combat, so if they are doing queued pvp only they should be fine.

Of course I should add, you don’t just jump to getting 430 item level right away, you have to build up a bit before you get the bar to show 430, do to how gear is awarded, but once you get to a certain item level then the higher level gear should show.

I do know award changes are coming to chests, this was mentioned at Blizzcon, so it takes more of the random out, gives more choice, but for the OP, vendors probably are not coming back.

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Better idea. We get vendors back and have a proper progression system for PvP


Right, but the OP is doing instanced PvP. He should be able to get gear that makes him better in PvP.

No it doesn’t scale at all.

No, getting a higher item level does NOT make the gear on the conquest bar higher item level. I can confirm this as I am item lvl 435 (at the time of this post) and my next reward for filling the bar is a 415 piece. You literally have to fill the conquest bar 10 times as was pointed out above in order for it to start giving you 430 gear. But this later into the season, why bother?

They should though.


Can anyone tell me if they actually mentioned anything about PvP at Blizzcon?

I mean is this awful system going to go away?

Are we going to get vendors?

PvP has always been my favorite thing to do in WoW and BfA killed my desire to do it completely.

No I don’t want to grind 500 conquest a week to get an item that I don’t need and then turn around to get a RNG chest that’s a down grade as well.

Who came up with this garbage and how do we get it hauled away?

If they really want to continue to :poop: on PvPers I will never return to retail.

Blizz you need a better thought out rewards system for PvP along with vendors (I promise people can find them).


The only thing PvP related they mentioned at Blizzcon was that War Mode was staying.

Days later, MMO Champion had an interview with Blizzard and they said the team is still deciding on changes to the honor system and rewards.


I’m not really sure what you’re trying to bring to the discussion.

PvP gear is terrible right now and the gear you have on your toon is honestly bad as far as competitive PvP is concerned. The massive issue is getting ‘good’ gear from PvP is multitudes more difficult then it is from PvE. Getting 2100 for the majority of players simply isn’t possible. 2400… is out of the question. Yet doing a +10 in 430 gear is fairly easy and rewards gear in that 2100-2400 range.

To that, the conquest gear takes longer now to get then ever before. In the past 10 games was often all you needed to ‘cap’ your conquest for the week. Capping from 2s now with a 50/50 win/loss ratio is 40 games. For some comps, that means 2-3 hours. Even for 3s that can still be 2+ hours of games to cap.

And for what? if your 1800 the gear is pretty useless.

For returning players, the scenerio is even worse. Good Azerite gear from PvP is almost non existent. The most reasonable route is getting residuum through M+ and actually taking a chance on gear that has the talents you actually need.

There is no reason they had to make PvP gearing RNG on top of RNG.

When the weapon was locked behind 2200 in arena, players complained and they eventually changed it. Now, it’s basically your entire gear set that is locked behind rating.


You mean Blizzard has been destroying classes. Players have no control in what Blizzard does to the game. If we did then classes wouldn’t be in such a garbage state. PVP lives and dies by class design and its been awful since Legion.


Yea it’s bad. Hopefully SL has vendors


Em, no. I’m getting 410s. Pvp gearing is absolutely horrendous this expasion, it’s like buying a turkey sandwich and finding a severed finger in it.

(posted on wrong panda before ha)