Gearing for PvP sucks now

Classic actually had a PvP vendor system fyi.


I mean there’s only a struggle in the lower brackets as people are getting gear. The likelyhood of players who are severely undergeared in the 2400 brackets is slim to none. And hats off to those players if they made it that far because of their skill and not using gear as an excuse as to why they lost.

The cool part about having a way to gear outside of raids, Is people who enjoy it such as yourself can still do it that way and others have options, They also have WoW classic now.

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Death Grip is nice, but won’t help when someone that has high mobility moves away kiting.

It was limited! Thats why i said mostly pve because there was not much of a difference between some pvp gear through those vendors. People prefered in many cases the tier sets bonuses in most cases those were more powerful than pvp sets. There were no pvp legendary weapons. There were no pvp stats such as resilience, or versatility to even consider serious pvp. The advantages were still in the pve side and people had no problems farming them whatsoever in fact it was fun to see your character grow with gear from powerful bosses as opposed to today: capping conquest points through afk wfs or like in previous xpacs just weekly guaranteed honor points just for participating… yea thats skill right…
If you got Gladiator gear because you were actually really good then great you deserve it but im sure many people complaining here about not being able to climb ladder because they cant get the gear FIRST are just making excuses and they do not deserve it even if they brought vendors back, they will always find new excuses like my class is the worst for this season, or the requirements are too high.
If not then why are there people with 2500s rating up there? Are they complaining? No they are not complaining, they are simply too good and period.

There’s a difference between when PvE gear gives you a small boost in performance for 1 season vs when it is absolutely mandatory for everything. Noone is saying we should be able to buy mythic item level gear from a vendor. Plenty of us have lobbied for the return of the WoD scaling system for PvP gear.

And also there are plenty of high rated players that have complained about the current gearing system. Here is one of them:

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Which was fixed in WoD because they took away the weekly cap and instead added on to it for each week that you missed or the amount of Conquest you missed out on that week.

So you actually think that top end players are okay with this? If yes then you haven’t been paying attention during Legion when all of this went down.


Ok… 1 or 2 players perhaps ( which might have been carried anyways) but i dont think a great majority complained… when you get up there, you are already there, 1 way or another you made it.
From there i find almost no reason to complain unless you utterly hate the system but tbh nothing is fixed, by now everyone should be used to the changes they make in every patch every xpac.
If you cannot adapt then thats your own problem. If you really want to climb ladder you will do just about everything it takes like adapt, training and get better. Else no one would be able to climb season after season.
They could introduce a worse way to gear for pvp tomorrow but people will still climb in ratings. It is what it is.


Why do you think threads like this exist?

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What you are saying is that free easy pvp wins should be a reward to raiders, who shouldn’t have to worry about challenges from actual pvpers.

Making easy pvp wins a perk for raiders, doesn’t that make pvp something less than a minigame, more like a free loot dispenser for you?

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isnt the gear you get 415 for arena weekly if you are below 1600 rated, which is where the average player is?

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Lol pve raiders will get powerful gear bettern than pvp? Yes.
Actual skill to get especially from 2100 to 2400+? I highly doubt so, we all know in the same fashion pvprs hate pve so pvers dont really do much pvp.
Again, all Blizzard is trying to do is bring back the old Vanilla system which started with getting rid of edited* Flyingg and pvp vendors, marks etc.

Or they just unsub because the system is garbage. Which is part of the reason why the PvP ladder is in shambles right now.

You want to pay attention to the top end Blizzcon champion players then cool. They’ve expressed wanting PvP vendors back too. Wanna know why they haven’t left? Because it’s their job to play WoW and provide content for the players. I even distinctly remember Cdew (Blizzcon 2018 Champion) made a big feedback video and stated the following.

“Number one. A PvP vendor should exist. The fact that a PvP vendor doesn’t exist is just…stupid”

Sorry dude. The current system blows. There was nothing inherently wrong with how PvP gear progression worked in the past.


They are trying to bring back the old Vanilla system, which involved raiders in super gear steamrolling actual pvpers to get free loot and titles. Just like now. I guess that worked.

I understand it’s very common now for 120 raiders to form premades to steamroll in bgs. They can’t lose. It’s the gear that carries them.

What goes around, comes around.

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More like honor at 400 and scales to 415 in pvp combat.

And conquest gear just be flat 430 or 415 that scales to 430. Let 2.1 and higher have the reward of 440-45 to make it an incetive and reward those who put in the effort.

Bad idea. Higher rated players would already have a skill advantage over low rated players.

There is no need for them to have a gear advantage on top of it.

I would reward higher rated players by giving them the ability to upgrade the PvE item level of their gear, not the PvP one.

And putting the conquest gear at 430 would make PvE’ers feel the need to PvP for raid gear.


No my friend, you can’t just automatically put every reward on the same level, it’s just not coherent. At least not to the highest level it can get.

Back in Wrath wanting that T2 wep is what got me into pvp, 10ilvl difference on a couple pieces wouldn’t make a massive difference and there needs to be some kind of meaningful reward sytem.

Also, letting higher rated players improve pve gear from pvp rating just sounds bizarre and could cause an explotion of mythic raiders just buying carries.

Yep, that’s kinda why I said conquest being 415 and scaling to 430 in pvp.

It’s how PvP gear worked from s13-WoD s3. And during cata/s12 the only difference was T2 weapons. Even playing fields is how the game should be.


This ^^

Making conquest gear have a base PvE item level of 430 would do that too.

Spot on

It’s faster to raid or do M+ and get gear rather than PvP

We need PvP vendors back and solo queue