Gearing - Easy fix

Looks like they’re doubling down on their problem. Is this just a way to try and force esports on players?

I don’t know how you could possibly come to this conclusion when even the majority of the top 0.1% of the arena ladder don’t compete in the AWC and the AWC is played on tourney realms where all gear is freely available on vendors. They are not in any way trying to “force esports” on anybody.

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No, but they’re trying to make it where if you don’t compete in arena you cannot compete in casual, arena is the centerpiece of their esports program. Just trying to figure out why they seem so committed to killing casual pvp.


I think you are confused. Arena on the live servers has nothing to do with esports. You can say it’s not casual content and you don’t like it, but it’s not esports in any way.

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I understand what you’re saying, what I’m asking is if by trying to make people climb the arena ladder they’re trying to generate interest in their esports by promoting the activity they showcase.

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No they’re not. Organized content has always rewarded better gear. Always. From raiding to arenas. You’re also blatantly forgetting rbgs are an option and there is no eSports around that. This is not about eSports :roll_eyes:

Regardless it’s a dumb change that we don’t want. From awc to casual.

  • New Rating - Title - Item Level
  • Rank 1 Unranked - 220
  • 1000 - Rank 2 Combatant I - 223
  • 1200 - Rank 3 Combatant II - 226
  • 1400 - Rank 4 Challenger I - 229
  • 1600 - Rank 5 Challenger II - 233
  • 1800 - Rank 6 Rival I - 236
  • 1950 - Rank 7 Rival II - 239
  • 2100 - Rank 8 Duelist - 242
  • 2400 - Rank 9 Elite - 246

What are the scaled ilvls?

These have to be the normal ilvls otherwise pve players will be able to out-gear the best pvp players, 26ilvls is still a giant power gap, and they mirror the current non pvp combat ilvls.

Rank 1 Unranked 220 242
1000 Rank 2 Combatant I 223 245
1200 Rank 3 Combatant II 226 248
1400 Rank 4 Challenger I 229 250
1600 Rank 5 Challenger II 233 252
1800 Rank 6 Rival I 236 254
1950 Rank 7 Rival II 239 256
2100 Rank 8 Duelist 242 258
2400 Rank 9 Elite 246 259

Not the exact fix I was hoping for but I can live with this. Hopefully they increase the rate which we can earn honor.

I didn’t forget RBGs, it’s just based on what people are saying it’s not the route most are taking. What you’re conveniently forgetting is that rewards used to be close to unrated rewards so they weren’t overwhelming. If it’s not about eSports and some MBO, what is going on. Why kill off casual PvP? Just for ego? Do they hate our money?

I posted this elsewhere.

But my fixes -

  1. Scale up ilvl in Random BGS.
  2. Solo queue for RBGs based on ilvl.
  3. Have PVP rewards be for cosmetics, mounts and titles.
  4. For rated PVP you do not lose ranks for losses, but have the climb be much slower. No reason to play 10 matches, lose half and not have any progression to show for it.

They’ve been on a huge “muh rpg” kick recently. You should have seen the idiotic posts in GD in 9.0 when people asked for all the .5 stuff ages ago.

I assure you man, this is not about eSports. It is nothing like eSports. If they actually wanted to encourage eSports they’d open up a tournament realm as that is exactly like eSports.

Get over your misplaced hatred for eSports man.

Have you heard of boosts? Sorry man they love our money. Especially whale money. They reported excellent profits over the last part and they basically stated it was store stuff.

To say I hate eSports would imply I actually care on some level about it, which I honestly don’t. Never even watched an arena match except when it’s included in a video about some other subject. I’m sure there’s some monetary component to the decision but if I really thought it was all about fleecing people I wouldn’t be playing the game any longer and would probably boycott all Blizzard products so I’m reluctant just to assume especially when any profit seems to be countered with the loss of players.

EDIT: This might five an idea why my mind went to eSports. 10 years ago it seems to be what’s happening. Honest, idc about eSports and if people are participating I’m not advocating its removal or anything. Note, contrary to the title this is about Diablo and not WoW.

Thanks for crashing the thread with a stupid eSports discussion. nj. anyway…

Took them less than a day nerf pvp scaling power gaps to unplayable again. A whole 7ilvl at the bottom from live is a joke.

Updated loot table:

New Rating Rated PvP Title Item Level iLvl in PvP
Rank 1 Unranked 220 233
1000 Rank 2 Combatant I 226 239
1200 Rank 3 Combatant II 229 242
1400 Rank 4 Challenger I 233 246
1600 Rank 5 Challenger II 236 249
1800 Rank 6 Rival I 239 252
1950 Rank 7 Rival II 242 255
2100 Rank 8 Duelist 246 259
2400 Rank 9 Elite 249 259
Unrated PvP Step Item Level iLvl in PvP
Vendor 177 213
Step 1 184 216
Step 2 190 220
Step 3 (Renown 44) 197 223
Step 4 203 226
Step 5 (Renown 59) 210 229
Step 6 216 233

This is now terrible again. Go back to the first iteration.

Previous version:

Rank 1 Unranked 220 242
1000 Rank 2 Combatant I 223 245
1200 Rank 3 Combatant II 226 248
1400 Rank 4 Challenger I 229 250
1600 Rank 5 Challenger II 233 252
1800 Rank 6 Rival I 236 254
1950 Rank 7 Rival II 239 256
2100 Rank 8 Duelist 242 258
2400 Rank 9 Elite 246 259

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even that newer iteration was still not great…

17 ilvl top to bottom was not close enough.

I remember when it was 10 ilvl and conquest was unranked gear…

Agreed. It is not what I originally asked for either but 17ilvl is far better than 26ilvl and only 9ilvl down at 1400 seemed reasonable.

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