Geared fury lf guild

Hello, I took a long break from the game and now I feel refreshed. Looking for a weekend guild prepping for phase 2 content! I am almost full bis 25man gear and I am attuned to SSC/TK and I have nightbane urn as well. I also have retail tbc experience and I cleared everything up to Sunwell. Would like to experience Sunwell in classic TBC :slight_smile:

Currently looking for another dps, we raid Wednesday & Sunday 9pm-12, we are a great guild that has been together since the start of vanilla wow raided all vanilla content including Naxx, currently have all current content on farm looking to start SSC/TK next week. Our loot system is EPGP

for more information get with Falcros, Remedys, Rax, or Maevy

That Was Easy 11/11, 3/3. Is a Fun, relaxed, easy going environment Always looking for active members! PVE focused weekend Raiding guild actively recruiting to fill multiple 10 mans and 25 man roster. As well as PvP in the near future!


Friday & Saturday at 8:00PM-12:00AM EST
Optional Sunday Kara Runs.
Sundays/Mondays for off night PVP or doing old content ZG ect.

About us:

Our group consists of both new and veteran TBC players and is lead by players with Classic, TBC, and retail mythic raidiers with multiple CE experience. Our raiders are expected to come prepared with flasks/elixirs, potions, food buff, and be fully gemmed and enchanted on all raid quality gear. If you can do what you can to get Profession gear but not required at this time. We are fun, relaxed, easy going, like to joke around alot but also take things serious when the time calls for it.

Loot System:

Loot System is EPGP with Legendaries being loot counciled. Attendance, Preparedness and Attitude will be taken into account. Effort should be rewarded appropriately. We want to keep it easy, fair, and make sure no one is being taken advantage of.


Ability to accept constructive criticism
A solid understanding of your class abilty to learn and get better if underpreforming
Understand that you may have to sit for a boss every now an then
Maintain a High Attendance

We are in need of:


High Demand
Resto Shammy

High Demand

If your class is not listed feel free to reach out always looking for good players regardless of recruitment needs.

Must Have or be close to getting SSC/TK Attunement complete.

We have an active guild discord where you can find our members consistently doing TBC content as well as enjoying other games together during slow points in patches. If you have any questions about joining feel free to add below contact info or join our disc and message any officer for more info thanks!

Disc: Nerdragin#3895
Bnet: Nerdragin#1825