Geared 60's in Leveling bracket BG's

Why is this a thing that is allowed?
Orayadin-sargeras Is a lvl60 208ilvl ret that was in my 51-59 BG bracket today.
It goes without saying that he was top of the damage/kill/healing.

Why are you allowed to queue with a sub 60 as a relatively geared 60 for leveling bracket bg’s?
You end up with these juggernaut type situations where some smurfing ret goes on a rampage racking up 18-20-25 kills a bg. You cant fight him don’t even try. especially if his smurf maul is a resto of some type.

Sadly this isn’t a new topic of discussion. There are quite of bit of these topic that have already been started.

I know it sucks, but there’s nothing that will be done about it. It’s sad, but that’s just the cold hard truth. Just keep on keeping on and you’ll reach the end of the tunnel.

Good luck! :smiley: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart:

If it’s any consolation, it also because the people that do this are trash cans at actual pvp. For example, the guy in your bg is atrocious at actual high level pvp, so probably goes into lower level ones to feel better about how good he is.

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you realize their ilevel and gear mean nothing while syncd right? you’re complaining about players who on par with BoAs right? crying over an average geared 59 lol.

wows playerbase is getting more and more entitled im happy pvp is too hard for you.

Please see If you Q as a level 60 in a 51-59 bg - #84 by Okayboomie-dethecus for more information and comments on 60’s running under 60 BGs.

No he was ilvl 208!?!