Gear Upgrade

Worst idea ever. Did this for a couple characters, thinking somehow that Blizz actually had a decent idea. NOPE! It strips and mails you all your gear, does NOT have the ability to determine whether what you are wearing is better than what they equip or not. Strips all of your glyphs as well. You have to painstakingly pick everything out of the mailbox, re-equip the ones that are better and junk the rest.

Dont do it, its just a headache.

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Don’t forget your action bars will be reset! Oh and I had heard (see the thread linked below) that your character is now tagged as “boosted” and therefore ineligible for heritage armor, but maybe they fixed that.

Yep, its definitely not cool, they should have tested and fixed all that before-hand. But, you know, roll out broken stuff and ignore it til the ticket spam gets too large to handle, seems to be their MO.

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Yeah, I made a thread on all of the issues with it a while back, too. :frowning: