Gear upgrade cost - middle-ground request

Not really much negative about people being able to get everything out of a limited time event if they want to go to extremes to do so. Especially when it’s mostly cosmetic and none of the power moves forward to TWW.

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You can already lvl an alt almost instantly and use the 40k plus the 38k from living in normal raids to buy almost a whole NPC out of their ensembles. Lol you farming mythic org on multiple characters means absolutely nothing since it takes 4 days at most of mythic org to get all the heirlooms and the shoulders.

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I mean why should you upgrade something that is only temporary, if you are enjoying going through the quest chains and achievements and stuff. I feel the need to say it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. Though I’d like to ask what is a suitable % of reduction?

Happy to see more people coming on here and making this recommendation. Have been recommending it for several days now and think it would greatly improve the event. Sure some people that spend a ton of time in the game and/or do stuff very efficiently will just be able to farm bronze even faster. However, that isn’t really a downside because there is no way people that play that way wouldn’t be able to get enough bronze to buy everything anyways. Therefore, it is just something for the other (majority) of playerbase to help incentivize them into upgrading and enabling them to try other classes rather than feel pressured into only doing “hard” content on one character.

Half the rewards from the vendors aka half of everything from bronze so 800k+. You should have spent that Bronze on gear then instead of transmogs/mounts/toys to speed that up instead of gear. I clear Scenarios, Dungeons, LFR in mere minutes. LFR bosses dropping in seconds.

This character that I am posting this reply under has 5days 6 hours 10mins /played on Remix. 4days 2 hr 24min at level 70 played. It was my 1st 70 on Remix. I have the gear at what I have plus 200k Bronze unspent atm. Had more but did buy some stuff. Seeing if I can get it as drops before buying others.

The gains are not too low. The event has 78 days left from the 90 it started with and you have almost half of everything in just 12 days of it. Did you want it all handed to you by doing nothing in just 2 days? Then you could go back and complain that there is nothing to do in WoW?

I also have 2 level 50’s and 14 other level 10’s in Remix I plan on leveling up. They will go fast. I have less than a few hours and the toons are 50.

I’m also playing alts. Not talking about a single OP character that indeed could be wrecking things in Remix.

AND for at least the last 8 days, I’ve been pumping all my bronze gears on the main into upgrades, hoping to get to the “OP” advertisement point promised by Blizzard.

So far, at 440 avg, I’m just OP in world content, which is something easily doable on retail too.

The /played thing is for the whole realm btw, not this one character, and I already think I invested WAY too much time on it (the event).

Also, farming bronze via gear upgrading through instances has severe diminishing returns, as someone else pointed out in a different topic:

They are. They are FAR too low. The event having a 95 day duration does not mean you MUST no-life it everyday to have a CHANCE at obtaining SOME of what you want.

I also don’t have half of everything.
I’m using a copy of an online spreadsheet to track what I have vs. what I still need to buy.
I’m not even 30% done.

Here’s the link:

And according to my tracking, I still need a whopping 1.18 million bronze out of a 1.66M total to get everything, not counting the extra effort of collecting Garrosh bones AND finishing Landfall and Isle of Thunder on all classes.

And that was including many stuff I already had unlocked from MoP, those being a lot of toys and a few mounts.

The gains are WAY too low for regular play, which is why players are constantly searching for efficient ways for farming the currency, even if are dull or mind numbing.

I have been playing 3-5 characters every day. My Remix mage is already 70 (and shelved, as the others also will, because using bronze for gear upkeep takes ages before starting to show some decent returns), monk and paladin are already 65-69, and I have a warrior at 50-59 and evoker/shaman at 20-25, with the rest not really started yet (10-19).

They are NOT going fast either, and all I’m doing on them is that: LFR (MGV then ToES, the fastest), H DG/SC, N DG/SC.

They will be used to buy a rare mount or a rare toy, some mogs, then be shelved/deleted, since keeping up with gear on multiple characters is not viable.

Finally, reiterating, I was “done” with Plunderstorm on day 4. I also do not share that mentality of “nothing to do”. Quite the opposite.

Since I play all 13 classes, WoW has WAY too MUCH for me to do if I want to keep up gearing on all characters (and I do, most certainly do). If anything, I want it TONED DOWN.

I have to limit myself to 3-5 characters per week in retail (per day in the event) simply to avoid burnout.

To feel powerful while doing so, since that was the hallmark of the event. I’m doing it on one character, but I’m sure I’d like to play around at the end on more without dumping all of my bronze into more of them.

This is the hardest mode right now, maybe outside of classic, to play an alt at max level.

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You’re doing it wrong then. Simple as that. My /played I shared is just this one Paladin. It would be more if I included the rest. I also don’t sit in the hub city zones while I wait on queues though so it is all active farming rares. I fly around zones and kill rares while waiting on queues to pop. Since in the beginning days it was 1 hr queue for LFR now it is only like 15min for dps.

Shelving your 70’s or deleting them as you said is the worse thing you could do if you are trying to find efficient ways to farm currency to easily complete it by the end of the time. Just spending 30 min a day if that on a 70 you can easily gain 10k Bronze per 70 character doing just your dailies. This is a 90 day event.

Why would someone try to farm bronze in a dungeon? The individual bosses in Dungeons unlike raids don’t give Bronze Caches.

This is not Plunderstorm. Stop comparing it to that. Plunderstorm you queued for an instance did a few things died and then did it again just getting rep and the only thing you needed was rep. There was also an achievement to get 2mil Plunder by the end. Plunderstorm was the same thing every time a small battleground. MOP Remix is an entire Expansion of content. Big different between 1 Pirate themed set of stuff and an entire expansion worth of stuff.

30% of everything with 12 of 90 days (13%) done of the event. The gains are fine. You have plenty of time to get everything. In the 12 the event has been live I started on Day 3 and during week days 4 days a week I have 30min-1hr playtime only. I have already collected well over 800k Bronze.

Levels are fast though. Have you not gotten Power XII and start with base 100% on your alts? I just leveled 2 level 10’s to 40 today in less than 2 hours. I just logged into my 50 Monk to see how many levels I could gain from dailies. Did 1 Heroic Dungeon, 1 Heroic Scenario, 1 LFR (LFR queue popped right after the dungeon was done since started them all at same time) turned in the 3 quests went from 50 to 58 that was less than 20 minutes for 8 levels at the higher levels too. So no leveling also isn’t slow. Stop doing World content quests to level. Bosses in Dungeons give massive bonus XP. Again stop deleting your 70’s.

And again you can get everything during this event by just playing the event. It isn’t hard. It isn’t rocket science. Just do the stuff. Get the rewards. This isn’t designed to be everything in a few days. This event launched after all 3 S4 Awakened raids were already out and over. This is to tie us over till Pre-Patch. That is why they nerfed the exploit farms that people were doing and buffed causal dailies. Paces people out over the event.

I can buy everything I have not bought by simply doing the 3 daily quests now. Mediocre effort will net all the rewards. No need to buff this.

I was just telling a friend that I wished it worked like Flightstones with DF, where the discount applies to all the alts, not just that character. That would make things a lot more bearable. Cause ain’t no way in helll I am going to do this grind on multiple toons lol.

No reason not to either.

Okay, but this isn’t an end-game progression event, end game is there because it makes some rewards obtainable, and you also get more bronze. This event was meant to level alts, not gear them. As for feeling powerful, so you don’t feel powerful? That is a scaling issue, at times you have to upgrade gear to be on par, for me alt wise 10 - 58ish were powerful, then scaling kicked in, not so powerful anymore.

Again, not an endgame game mode, I’d be with you if it was, but this isn’t it, play main with gear do highest content. Level alts in preparation for TWW Warbands, this event was never intended for alts to also be super geared, especially when it is limited, it was meant for other things. Retail is different because it’s not temporary, like this game mode.

Then why are there end-game activities and why are they balanced around upgrading your gear?

Just because there are end-game activities, doesn’t make it an endgame game mode, this here is for achievements, rewards, replaying the content, leveling alts ‘leveling’ in preparation for TWW. It’s balanced because they didn’t want you to start doing the hardest stuff right away. There are reasons and reasons why Gear upgrade costs are not going to be lowered. It should be the case right now, maybe in the last month, but not now.

Let’s agree to disagree.

Finally, I personally doubt your gains and their speed.
And I get faster queues and gains with a beefed up low level than a worthless ilvl 346 70.

I’d rather have the daily queues give at least 3 times more bronze, but it is what it is.

Either way, enjoy the event!

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So I’m not supposed to get all of the achievements that aren’t possible to do while leveling? I’m supposed to just level alts and abandon them?

Hmm… i don’t think you’re correct.

I’ll stand by my request. I’d like to continue playing another character at level 70 without struggling every step of the way. But as it stands it feels like I’m stuck with this guy and punished for not leveling something I might enjoy at 70 a little more.

Missing the point of alts here, it isn’t to gear them in an event that has temporary power that will only last for the limited event, it is there to get them prepared for TWW warbands feature. You want to play an alt at the same level as main, put in the bronze. The gear is temporary, will be gone come end of the event.

Daily queues do give more than 3x bronze than what you are probably getting because you are queueing as a lowbie vs a level 70. Daily Dungeons, Scenarios, and Quests from the Bazaar give 1250 Bronze each at level 70. 7*1250 = 8750 + whatever bronze you acquire from the dungeons, LFR, and scenario plus scrapping the gear is easily 10k+ Bronze a day per character.

What level you are won’t change your queue time. Level 70’s can group with level 10’s. All toons are in the same pool. You just gain more bronze for doing the dailies at a higher level. Anything below 70 doesn’t get the 1250 Bronze per. 50’s only get 750 per. level 10’s get like 250 Bronze I think it was. Think it is around either 30 or 40 it moves to 500 per.

As far as leveling my level 50 well was level 50 has a +300% XP cloak. Heroic Dungeon bosses give massive bonus xp. It gains a level per boss. On my alts atm I just do the dailies and then log off them. So a lot of Cloak XP on those level 25+.

But gear is still quite necessary to collect many of the things, unless you’re provided a carry or wish to struggle immensely.

Just because that is what you you want to do with alts, doesn’t make it the only thing that should be done with alts in the event. Maybe I am giving too much credit to Blizzard but I find it hard that their intent is for the event to be full of extremely weak alts just trying to get carried by those of us who actually upgraded armor. I mean that is what they created so I guess I am giving them too much credit, but hopefully they will fix that decision. If it was a permanent event, then having to invest that much bronze for an alt wouldn’t be quite as bad, but it isn’t. There is no logical reason why that should decide that you can’t enjoy trying other classes/specs in an overpowered way, which is what they currently have implemented.

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