Gear Update and Trial Accounts

After a 2 day wait on a ticket and 2 tickets (having to reopen cause of the auto reply) this is part of the reply:

Now I can most certainly understand you wanting to see if this is possible here. I have looked into this for you here, and we were able to add a day of game time to your account for you. =) In the future though we won’t always be able to apply free game time to your account.

Now, yes, this 1 day sub did resolve my current issue this time, but as stated, “we won’t always be able to apply free game time to your account”. Meaning this is not a fix or a solution for a problem that others may find themselves in. So Blizzard needs to consider:

  • allowing trial and non sub accounts access to specifically those mails (as they come from your character so maybe restrict based on that)
  • block the Gear Upgrade feature from accounts without an active sub
  • give a warning prior to completing the Gear Update that unless you get an active sub on the account within the next 30 days you’ll lose the items in your mail

So heads up for anyone on an unsubbed account. You may lose all your items if you use this feature, and don’t get a sub on your account within the 30 days.