Gear isn't more meaningful

No my claim is the amount of loot drops are basically the same as they usually are and that they are not severally reduced.

I skip dungeons that don’t have the gear upgrades I need in them. Players have to make the choice to choose the dungeon with the correct upgrade in it for them and there was never any gurntee that specific pieces would drop.

Except… when my 3 friends and I were doing heroics to get me geared up for mythic… 1 of my friends got 0 drops in all the heroics we did. We laugh about this because the same thing has happened to him in every expansion since WoD. Either he is extremely unlucky or it’s hard coded into the game to mess with him (Yes I know he is extremely unlucky and the other answer is nonsense conspiracy theory).

Blizzard said they reduced % chance of loot… I mean… how can you argue that it didn’t happen when it came straight from their mouthpiece.

I’ve got nonsense spreadsheets based off of anecdotal evidence of loot percentage rates too. Good thing that most if not all sites that database loot in WoW pretty much ignore you.

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Its not like you have to believe me play the game and figure it out yourself.

There was one player who didn’t get any drops in two mythic but later on got two drops and a conduit in 1 run. Then a drop in the next run.

Post the article that blizzard says they reduced loot drop chance, the only one posted was highly speculative and posted during beta.

There. Also a single player or handful of players does not make for a viable sample size; I ran 2 mythics and got 3 upgrades, another player received none still doesn’t mean the loot faucet is full blast for me and non-existent for them, just that rng favored me and didn’t them. Yes this was posted in September, but there has not been any loot drop changes that we have been privy to.

That simply wasn’t true. You could get trait combinations in raids that never procced on WQ gear. You could also get slots in raids that almost never appeared in WQs. And raid trinkets always had better procs than dungeon or WQ trinkets.

I think much of the content is not even worthwhile, its a mix of garbage with a few shiny trinkets (sad not the ones that go in trinket slots) The amount of side things to do is OVERWHELMING! to the point I don’t want to level in tower, I don’t want to grind reputation, and I don’t feel I have any vested intrest in my Covenant.

my sub expires next week and I am still trying to convince myself to pay up, but right now only my guild members (which are awesome) are convincing me to re-up my subscription.

I went in a M0 last night, the “idiot check” was outrageous to clear. And this is for content that is below raid level rewards… So are raids going to be so over tuned that only the top 3% of players will be able to do a normal?

if they are going to make M+ so difficult that most players can’t (or will not) invest in the effort, then why are the rewards so poor? Either it needs to be easier, (( or )) more worthwhile

Whoa… the few mythic dungeons I’ve done… involved me stumbling and bumbling my way thru boss mechanics without reading what they did.
A few of the fights seemed easier than their Heroic counterparts.

I have to admit, I haven’t done a lot of mythic in SL… but did Sanguine last night, and the M0 boss, “Executor Trovold” had raid level mechanics that were very unforgiving. I imagine I will be avoiding this particular dungeon completely because of it, because I can’t imaging combining the mechanics of this boss with M+ affixes particularly ones like volcanic or earthquake. An M0 should seem a little bit harder than the Heroic version, not as difficult as a Heroic Raid version of the same encounter.

I would expect a normal raid to be more difficult than a M0, considering they are restricting loot in dungeons below what will be available in raid

Maybe it’s a gear issue that makes the boss feel like a wall?
Eventually you hit a point where we aren’t fighting the boss (that implies the boss has a chance of victory) but instead we are strong arm robbing a toddler for all it’s loot.

and just where do i get gear above 171, and why should i need better gear to do runs for 183 gear??

effort vs. rewards…
they NERFED Mythic rewards, nerf the content or improve the reward!

It’s not worthwhile, i expect people will just skip Mythic+ all together and move on to raid on as many alts as possible.

are you struggling this bad in all mythics or just that one?

OP is crying about not getting showered with loot and is at renown level 3 and still a modest 180 ilvl. Half y’all would complain if you were hung with a brand new rope.

Umm… it better be a brand new rope… because if it was done with a old broken down rope that breaks with little weight applied to it…

Isn’t that the exact reason they changed quests in Legion and BfA from “Kill/collect X in Y dungeon” to “Kill/collect X AND kill the final boss”?

It’s like every expansion they learn things and immediately forget those lessons in the next expansion.

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you mean the guy where all you have to do is dodge the blobs and kill the add he summons?

They did it to get money from us faster slowing us down is the way to do it makes sense if you think about it.

I got mine and they don’t feel very useful. It’s like us two lifeblooms.

Understandable. But thankfully they’re just that. Side things. Outside of Tor’ghast and Dungeons nothing is actually “required” for character progression and increasing player power.

If you’re in a position where you have to “convince” yourself to pay money for a hobby than maybe you should take a break from it. We ultimately play this game for enjoyment, and it seems that you’re not getting that.

I’m not sure what to say to that really. Personally I think Mythic 0s are dramatically easier this time around. Myself and my guild were clearing them before we could even enter heroics, and had little issue. And we’re far from the “top 3%.”

Well said all this does by nerfing the % drop rates gets people unmotivated to log in.