Gear is rating gated for SL

No one here wants PvE trinkets to be a thing, I want them to buff the PvP set bonus (that makes vers gear even more important and PvE gear less so) and weaken (and ban tank/healer trinkets) or ban PvE trinkets in PvP instances.

You are right about the item levels, I thought the gap between tiers was much smaller than it is. Idk why they bother with a squish if they continue with these large gaps. We do get Heroic gear at 1600 though so there should be another increase at 1800 so the gap is not as bad but now that I seen the gap I am a little more worried about it.

As for covenants, Iā€™m fine with them being locked if it is only 1-2% at most but if they canā€™t handle it (Most likely canā€™t) just remove the locks and donā€™t make us wait an extra patch.

Well seems there idea is 3 ilvls. So assuming 1800 will be 3 ilvls up.

Like I said the huge inflation is once again for the dragon slayers. They feel like Mythic raid gear needs to be best, and best by alot. If its not they riot.

Youā€™re preaching to the choir. Everyone in this thread agrees with you. If I were in charge, I would want a WoD style system or something like that. But Iā€™m not and neither are you. Nor is anyone in this forum who wants resil back or our own separate gear. I donā€™t know how many times I have to post this - going back to the old systems is not going to happen under this current dev team. For years, the old system made PvP essentially a separate mini game while raiding was the real endgame. The new system is based around M+, PvP, and raiding be equal endgame progressions wherein the gear rewards progress with difficulty, and allow players to (in a perfect world) rotate between all 3 without much of a struggle. You can love or hate that. But thatā€™s how it is.

We can propose changes that work within the confines of their system (trinket set bonus, and in my view, a 4, 6, 8 PvP gear set bonus) or we can just get crushed by it again and have to do mythic raids and literally end up wearing 0 or 1 pieces of PvP gear for the entire xpac again. Itā€™s really your call. Either be realistic, or sit around and demand systems that are not going to get put back.

I will keep posting about WoD systems that will work even better now we have warmode.

There is no confines of a system they have given us to suggest against. They have added a trinket bonus that does exactly what PVP gear used to do when engaging in PVP: get a boost.

So, if they are willing to let gear have a boost in PVP, I voted to goes on all PvP gear and affects the ilvl, instead of just versatility.

What they have given us is not nearly enough to make PVP gearing feel even remotely as good as it did in this game for 10 years! 10!

There is no way to balance PVP and PVE gear if they are equal across both activities and they already know this, which is why the trinket bonus was added. They need to keep going in that direction and stop designing PvP gearing to try to entice PVE players to do a BG every now and again.

Separate the gear already and design PvP gear progression around the players who love PVP.

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Yes they can, they can just add a 4 and 6 set bonus (2 trinkets mandatory) for increased versa to wearing PvP gear so then we actually wear our gear, and we donā€™t need to do as much PvE for gear.

They are not changing the fundamental design of the system this close to the xpac, sorry. Propose an idea that works within the confines of their design or give it up. The same old tired threads asking for resil and PvP power and separate gear have been on this forum for 4 years and it has not worked then and it wonā€™t work now. Ion is in charge whether we like it or not (most of us donā€™tā€¦ moot point), and he has said quite literally 50+ separate occasions that itā€™s not coming back.

Nothing wrong with the current solution, as long as its not Rating Gated.

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Itā€™s going to be rating gated. This is the system in place. Gear is ā€œrating gatedā€ via the weekly cache for raiding and M+, so it will be for PvP too. PvE players will not tolerate allowing us to get the highest ilvl gear without ever having to achieve a higher rating like they have to progress in their content. Since Ion says ā€œgear is gear,ā€ we can either propose changes that work within the confines of this system (like how 2400 should not equal M15 gear) or we can just bend over and have BFA again. If you continue to push for things the lead dev has said wonā€™t happen, then you have chosen the latter.

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Rating gating is not the same thing as their content lol.

We will see I guess.

I ainā€™t bending over anything I stopped playing BFA played classic, and I will not play or Buy SL.

Iā€™m not a crazy wow cult member, I will leave lol.

Also there is no way to get then to set rating equivalent, as 1600 is equivalent to a 15 key lol.

Iā€™m also not sure how much blizzard should be worried about the opinions of mhthic raiders. Seeing how more people do BGs than LFR. 30% of the population was over 1400, and 2% got CE. Those people your saying that wonā€™t stand for it, are a Tiny subset.

Its ion himself that doesnā€™t want to stand for it.


I just foresee PvP being as dead as it was in BfA. On top of the garbage gearing system, some classes still feel like garbage to play. Plus, it seems like PvE to PvP is still going to be a thing. Like Daemonic, Iā€™ll just quit lol. As will the majority of my friends who quit shortly after BfA.


Let me know when you get that job on the Blizzard dev team, and then you can tell us what those confines areā€¦

Until then, I am going to keep asking for the separation of PVP gear like we had in WoD. A system that was fair and fun and encouraged PVP players to stick around and queue.


Show me one.

Is this the same as not getting Classic? Or 2H frost not coming back? Or PVP not getting vendors?

I have faith that the WoD gearing is so clearly the right path forward, that eventually that is where we will go. Nothing they have done since then has made PVP gearing any good for people who like to PVP.

Also the PVP gear is already being separated with the trinket bonus, it just needs to go further until all the PVP gear is like that.

This cannot ever happen, there is no way to balance the two. PVE gets easier over time as people gear up, and PVP gets harder over time as people gear up. 4 years trying to prop up something that is fundamentally flawed, time to move on.

Oh it is?

I thought it was 2400.

And I meanā€¦ how can it be exactly 2100 or 2200. Which is it lol

Gonna need a link. If you donā€™t provide a link or screenshot or something donā€™t even bother replying tbh in which case Iā€™ll just assume you donā€™t know.

Rumor on da streetz is 2100 is new mythic

Look at the first post. Duelist will offer the highest gear from the chest. Is what rating that is exactly.

Anything to help boost sales of tokens and rating boosts! If itā€™s good for the investors is probably good for the game.


**** now Iā€™m going to have to buy wow tokens for carries to get gear. Swear to God, all this game is about anymore is P2W $20 tokens for gear. Lead designer is garbage. MAKE GEAR ILVL EQUAL LIKE IN MOP AND WOD.

I can already see myself quitting wow for good like my friends. Iā€™ll start jumping on the train of 2077 and other games that come out. WoW no longer satiates me at all.


Thatā€™s exactly why I picked you to respond to and why I wasnā€™t interested in the moral high ground nonsense.

Also the mmr system is totally different than it was when rating was used to hate gear. What you described could and did happen then. It wouldnā€™t now because of the changes to mmr. Which is why Iā€™m not against it now, but was in Wrath.

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10 char.

And if Blizzard continues their hands-off policy for PvP balance in Shadowlands, weā€™re in trouble.

No worries. The expansion comes out in likeā€¦ a monthā€¦


i agree, itā€™s a step in the right direction but alot of pvpers just donā€™t care about obtaining gear etc from outside of arenas/bgs.
I wish blizzard would just realize to treat the pvp scene more like private servers where u just get a bunch of gear for free n everyone fights on equal terms. (I do personally think players should get better gear based off rating)

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