Gear is rating gated for SL

Okay so? Raid and dungeon is gated behind requirements too :joy:

You don’t get 233 from LFR :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


^ smart. Nice mog too

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^^ both are smart. And have nice mogs.

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:slightly_smiling_face: Anything is better than this terrible system currently implemented in BFA.

That is a pretty low bar.


not sure i particularly like rating barring gear as it will make the barrier to entry in pvp go up compared to expansions like mop/wod where there was a lot of pvp participation.

that being said heroic ilvl loot for being 1600 (challenger) is extremely doable. my question is does pvp gear still have an rng drop change at all from matches like in legion/bfa or does it only come from purchases at the vendors?


god having ilevel be meaningful in arena is just stupid

i q to play

i do not q to have obnoxious ilevel brackets on gear

i dont understand why these devs think the paths need to parallel one another BUT if it stops me from having to pve then i guess its fine


I think you’re playing the wrong genre of game if you don’t want gear to matter in end-game content.


forsure not playing the wrong game

if u get 1 conquest shoulder u shouldnt replace that item for the entirety of the season

there should be no ilevel tiers associated with rating, there wasnt previously but for some reason there is now

its bad


This isn’t directed at you, but it’s funny that PvP shifts between end game or side game depending on the argument.


Gear can matter, it mattered in MoP and WoD. There was just no idiotic rating gating with it. Higher rating should be you gear faster, that’s it.


Sounds like an opinion. I wouldn’t have any problem with gear not being rating-gated, but I also don’t mind that it is.

A normal raider isn’t getting mythic level loot if they simply do normal raids for the entirety of the expansion.
Part of the fun of arena is progressing through rating and bettering yourself as a player. Being able to upgrade gear as a reflection of that seems like a meaningful progression system.

Plus, 216 ilvl is 1600. That’s 10 ilvls short of mythic raid loot ilvl. If you aren’t able to clear 1600, the gear ain’t the problem.

I’m not following. If I get a shoulder in a normal raid, should I never replace it with a mythic-level shoulder?


This is the stupidest argument that keeps being mentioned and also how blizzard has trended. Anyone who believes this applies and uses it to compare has zero understanding why balance matters far more in PvP than pve.


See I like to call comments like these “nothing” comments.
You bash a perspective for the sole sake of bashing it.
You don’t provide a disagreement. You’re merely pouting.

I have an extensive understanding, actually.

Feel free to explain why you believe I don’t, and I’ll happily respond with actual arguments.

Until then, grow up :slight_smile:


found the boomer

a vast amount of people pvp to play better than their opponent

not to outgear them

it never feels good winning because of item level


Sorry if it feels I’m targeting you as a person, I’m targeting the mentality you may have (or others) but I’ll gladly reply. I’ve stated this in other threads before but here we go. It’s not bashing it for the sake of bashing it but after like 1000 times why and people still come back with their “poor” understanding it gets difficult to respond.

PvP balance matters FAR greater than pve balance. In pve if your class is not balanced either 1) you do less dps / healer than others respectively or 2) you’re bench entirely. The difference is EVERYBODY is working together to defeat an npc monster. In pvp however youre against other people (which is the important distinction) and if your class isn’t balanced sometimes you have ZERO chance out of the gates. A great example people have been using recently is giving “x” super jacked car like 500 more horse power racing against a Honda Civic. The civic wants to have fun and enjoys the race against you but was getting destroyed BEFORE the suped up engine, imagine how he’ll do now with another barrier in his way.

The reason is virtually the same. Best PvP gear NEEDS to be easily accessible to everyone to have a fair environment.

Now it’s your turn, please do your worst.


This is why a PVP stat is the easiest solution, the gear is BiS for PVP and below average but usable in PVE. But I guess Blizzard doesn’t like PVP gear not being a gearing option for PVE content, even though right now in BFA its the worst gearing avenue for PVE and PVP???

Ya sure didn’t. Not a boomer. I just don’t waste my words with personal insults. but great communication skills!

It’s 216 at 1600. You understand mythic raid gear is 226 ilvl. We’re talking about ten ilvls between challenger and elite rating.
It’s really not gonna be that big a deal.
If a player has 2 average ilvl than you, sure, he has an advtange, but outplaying someone will win over that advantage.

You spent virtually the entirety of your post explaining that class balance is important because it’s class against class not class against computer.

I’m not sure why, as that’s incredibly obvious.

Class balance isn’t related to gear progression. Class balance is class balance. Gear progression is gear progression.

You understand between 1600 and 2400, there is a 10 ilvl disparity.

I would have no problem with there not being a difference between a 1600 player’s ilvl vs a 2400’s. That said, I also understand why a system would be implemented that gives pvp players the same ilvl progression that raiders get to enjoy.

The ilvl differential will be extremely minor.

Personally, I see it as yet another reason to work hard to climb the rating.
Sure, it’s not perfectly balanced if a hard stuck 1800 player is preventing a better player who’s at 1750 from getting to the next tier of gear. But eventually, that 1750 player will get there. It’s a nominal handicap that the 1750 player has to overcome. If you’re a legitimately better player than your opponent, I promise you an average ilvl difference of 2 is not going to make or break the game

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The class balance is the baseline while the gear is included after… I don’t understand how that changes anything. The important point was the balance of PVP, ALL aspects of it, not just the classes but GEAR too. I feel like you didn’t read / accept the car analogy either where the 500hp upgrade is the gear built up on the class / player already.

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People focus on the ilvl too much, the real problem are always going to be the fact PVP trinkets are basic as hell while PVE trinkets all have game changingly powerful effects.