Gear Exploit in Battlegrounds

At level 10 a player should not be 155 Ilvl and have 4500 health. Please fix this blizzard. If a player purposely uses the shadowlands gear exploits and go into a BG with that Ilvl giving them the win every time it should not be allowed… I have wasted so much time trying to progress with PVP and I can’t because of players like this.


Agreed, and blizzard should also be taking action against the content creators who are advertising how to abuse the exploit for profit.


Ban them for sure, but honestly if they’re putting that much time and energy into exploiting a gearing system just to be able to one-shot lowbies in battlegrounds… well they’ve kind of lost already, in a sense.


you still get xp for a loss. don’t pretend you’re there for anything other than easy xp.
edit: you should probably skip level 60 bgs on your way to 70.

It’s PvP, exploits don’t matter to Blizz there. People been using stuff like this for ages and Blizz ignores it. Someone was running around invulnerable in BGs for months apparently and Blizz did nothing.

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Yup. Imagine being so bad that instead of toughing it out at max, you get to lord over levelers. Nasty stuff.

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Or, why not both

You don’t get the victory box, which has the *potential for a mark of honor, which is useful even at 70.

Not to mention you don’t get the gear from the win box, meaning you aren’t going to be getting gear upgrades at a rate that you should be.

Case in point, my rogue which I started leveling this week and through nothing but BGs and exploring on a flying mount, is currently level 32 but has an ilvl34 belt and ilvl50 bracers on because rather than winning 70% of the random matches like my stats reflect, I’m winning 50% at best, because every other BG has 1 or MORE people abusing this.

gearing a toon while leveling only from bgs is a terrible idea.


How is it a bad idea if all you want to do on the toon is pvp? And regardless it’s a subjective viewpoint.

I want my gear to have vers on it, if I wear all the Rookie “of the X affix” gear that comes out of pvp boxes, I get to have high vers GUARENTEED and relevant level gear.

I leveled 5 alts in season 1 of shadowland using the method described above, and every toon had gear within 1-2 ilvls of what current cap was throughout the entirety of the leveling process, because you win FAR more bgs within a 9-level bracket to fully regear yourself, when there aren’t scumbags abusing exploits.

Edited to add : This kid is actually in Ruinous.
Blizzard, whatever one of you blue people shows up, can you just add anyone who joins any version of RUIN to the autoban list please?
They have no interest in PVP or really any aspect of end-game content being fair.
They’ve been abusing things like layering exploits to shatter servers and secure world-content since legion.
Now this dude is defending people exploiting 155 ilvl gear as low as in the 10-19 bracket.


still not totally fixed.

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its not the end of the world bcuz yull still get those boxes at lvl 70 and if not you can buy them once ur full 437s which doesnt take a very long time to do on a fresh 70 .

its an excellent idea i always bg level alts , that is if bgs ever pop for lowbies . should stop being so negative for wearing a superman cosplay

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the only thing i need to reply to is you calling this a superman cosplay.the rest is pretty solid information about not relying on random bg rewards to gear your pvp leveling alt. it’s impossible to keep your gear at an average for your level getting green drops. green rewards arent average for your level.
remember when quests were rated by their difficulty by color? a red quest was the hardest. a green quest was the easiest. you’re relying on the easy quest gear while you participate in a team game.

if i was you id pick the items with more stamina over those with vers. if you’re being passive about gearing i wouldn’t worry about min/maxing for vers.

Because the game just isn’t set up that way. Even if you’re using heirlooms, you’ll still have to visit the auction house and/or mix in dungeons.

Leveling 100% through pvp is a terrible idea.

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it doesnt really matter because you’ll out level the bracket anyway if ur focus is leveling

i have over 20+ toons i would know how it goes

pvp and dungeons and questing its not the end of the world

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You can buy a powerlevel for 10 dollars worth of gold and be max level in an hour and half. Then you can buy green pvp gear that is competitive with honor gear straight from AH. No reason to ever waste time on low level bgs, unless you just can’t compete at max of course

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Shock they fix this but still ignoring the 60s using the exploit gear from the cave

what was the exploit used to get those pieces?

Yes, and that is Blizzard’s thinking which is a huge detriment to the game overall. In fact are you one of the Management Team?