<Gear and Go>4/9M AOTC Tue/Th 8:30-11:30ESTw

HIII there! I’m Tayy the recruitment officer for gear and go on illidan, we raid tues/th 8:30-11:30 est. We are currently 4/9M and expecting to kill experiments this week!!

We consider ourselves semi-hardcore with many of our players doing/pushing high keys and IO. We started off as a small guild and grew into a tight group of friends that like clearing content and trolling each other along the way. People are constantly in discord (Very active) playing wow or other games together.

We are looking for competent players to replace lower performing players with competitive logs. Currently we are trialing in heroic and planning to extend our mythic lockout next week! Our highest demand is a main tank, rdps, and DH. Willing to discuss multiple inquires and set up trial times/dates.

Thanks for reading my ted talk

–Discord: tayyyy_
–Btag: Grumpykitten#18572